• Warbirds Library V4 (Resources for now) How to

    We just posted part one of the how to on uploading new files to the Library. Part 1 covers adding new files. Part 2 will cover making changes to your the uploads you own.

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    Thanks the Staff

    Library How to

P3D_V5 Some days simming really annoys me!!!


I finally finished my newest build, supposedly for Flight Simming only.
Of course it had to be a Win10 system, more or less a straightforward operation.
So off I went with my plan, P3Dv5, P3Dv4 and P3Dv3(for CS Boeing's!)
Everything loaded as usual, followed by a marathon download of ORBX regions and scenery.

P3Dv5 loaded up and the results really ripped the crutch out of my nightie!!!!!!
I think I'll shut this down and go race some cars on the #2 PC!



It was the same at any scenario, partially corrupt surfaces, static aircraft and vehicles floating at various heights etc.
After running through the ORBX resets and verification's with no success a fresh installation repeated the exercise!!!!!
All drivers updated, no improvement, in fact v4 decided the Graphics were 'hung' and shut up shop!
Now this is running an i9 9960X at 4.4G, on a ROG Rampage VI Extreme Encore MoBo, a pair of Turbo GeForce RTX 2070 cards in SLI, with 128G of RAM, all on a 4TB SSD with the ORBX Libraries on a separate 2TB SSD.
I'll eventually sort it out but MSFS looks like a breeze!

I would say,"Welcome to my world." However, I never figured that I was unique. Flight Simming is a love-hate relationship. I bet a psychologist could write a dissertation on us.

We are like the alchemists of the dark age. We combined and mix potions and chemicals over an open burner in hopes of achieving the utopian dream of flight simmers. Often it blows up in our faces. I sometimes tell my wife that the maintenance to flight time ratio of my cockpit approaches the F-35's ratio.

Then one day, I turn on the sim computer, get in, fire up one of the programs....everything works perfectly. I am in an imaginary world of flight where I am once again 20-24 years old. I am both reliving my flying days of youth, and doing other things I didn't do back then.

I am hooked again
This really ticked me off John!
I was really looking forward to Bazaar's DC3 and this was not making me at all a happy wombat.
The weird 'boxes' lining the strip are bizarre!
I've posted a plea for help on the ORBX support forum but I'm thinking a complete W10 install might be my best starting point.

This really ticked me off John!
I was really looking forward to Bazaar's DC3 and this was not making me at all a happy wombat.
The weird 'boxes' lining the strip are bizarre!
I've posted a plea for help on the ORBX support forum but I'm thinking a complete W10 install might be my best starting point.

I hope you mean the situation and not me. ;) Not that it helps, I too have been extremely frustrated by FSX/P3D/MSFS and even DCS to the point of my wife closing the door to the room, so she doesn't need to hear me cursing.

My point is that when we try to mix and blend so many programs and add-ons, the odds are that something will go amuck. That doesn't mean we have to like it, but it seems that what you are experiencing is just one more manifestation of the poltergeists (I know different analogy, but it is a different reply) living within flight simming software.

It sucks, I know it. I have experienced it, even to the point of reinstalling Windows. I am in your corner my friend. I support you in your misery and hope you soon figure it out.
Certainly messed up there Wombat. Seems there is a serious misread on the elevations there - tried the Vector Configurator to get it to reset all the elevations? Just a thought. I have a similar system but only V5 now installed.
Another thought is that ORBX has loaded up and earlier ASAS scenery or is not reading the V5 edition. P3DV5 has a lot of significant elevation changes world wide which is why the delayed Global Vector and at one stage said you did not need it. That is something ORBX need to resolve alas and I noticed this issue with ORBX in Iceland but nowhere else. Seems to have resolved itself by not having 3rd Party Addons where ORBX has done it.

I checked ORBX ASAS on my system and it was all good for me.

At least you got a new machine - idiots dropped mine and busted the casing doing something (once was an accident, twice was unfortunate, seems we are at the deliberate stage). Feel your frustration no other suggestions except clean it all out and do one version. I have given up on the Capt Sim people coming to the party on V5 for this year at least. I just use the Ruth B727 and forget the older Boeings, the whole Douglas fleet (3,4,6,8 n 10) of all types and varieties all work just fine in V5. Seems I have to live in the Douglas world now!
Thanks for the support John and Bendy.
No extras other than ORBX so I'll check back on their support forum and go from there.
In a stroke of absolute desperation I loaded up FSXE (on a separate drive) with few ORBX Base items installed, ran a couple of flights and had a CTD.
Then it had the gall to inform me it was OOM!!!!!!!
OOM with 128G installed.
After a series of helpful replies from the ORBX forums I think the root cause of the problem was a corrupted terrain cfg. file(s).
After several failures to load accompanied by "P3D requires a terrain (or scenery) cfg. file to run" I started rooting round in a number of files in the OS libraries.
FWIW there were no scenery cfg. files for P3Dv5, P3Dv4 or even P3Dv3 in their respective directories, but there was a 'backup cfg" present.
I transferred the apparent correct files from where they were lurking in my user directory and the result was chaos!
Valuable lesson learned.
In the end I went for the Nuclear Option, reloaded W10 and a clean P3Dv5 installation, making certain there were no prior files lurking in hidden places.
So far so good, all the Americas ORBX files (580GB!!!) are installed and P3Dv5 is running almost as well as I hoped.
Luckily I have an unlimited download plan..........:devilish:
I'm a happy wombat once again, FPS were in triple digits with default scenery and a default aircraft, with everything ramped up to where I want it 50FPS is 'comfortable'.

Simple shot.

A little less basic.
Excellent news there Wombat. I have been seeing some weird corruption issues lately - feel like I am chasing gremlins - the latest is now mouse and window behaviour in P3D - did a repair on it seems to have fixed it but as to what caused it absolutely no idea and nothing in any event logs to give a clue - I have a suspect lives in Seattle - likes lots of updates!
Shame your PC was 'dropped' Bendy but look at it this way......you'll get a new box and the miscreants will be obliged to rebuild everything for you!
Unusual for the Scorptec crew to screw up like that but 'stuff' happens.

Now don't laugh because I went a bit feral on the lighting with this build......I've since toned it down after my lovely wife whispered in my ear "How old are you? Seven?"


Yeah mine not as flash as that - suppose it could be toned it down too!.

Serious now I have the stuffed up terrain issue it seems or something like it the textures are all mixed up now for no good reason and no changes that I can find, squares of water instead of land night blocks instead of day, bit like a fancy quilt actually. Did a reinstall and verify of the ORBX but the problem persists all over now, incorrect texture files being spread about. I guess there is no spare terrain cfg file lurking except for the nuclear issue. Still think ORBX is the culprit here had the same thing happen in FSX once upon a time.
I can't understand why we relatively conservative operators are getting the odd terrain problems.
While the Nuclear Option wasn't my first choice in the end I'd run out of ideas and pulled the pin.
I keep backups of all my additions on a couple of remote drives, at least I don't have to go through writing the files up once I've reloaded the originals.
Both P3Dv3 and v4 are giving me the irrits, I'll try them on my other Flight Sim box and see what transpires, but I have no solution to the 'hung' graphic cards so it's worth a go.
Hope you sort the current hassle out, I just hate it when things go pear shaped for no apparent reason.
And FYI, Sofie (Ms Wombat) selected a very muted off white shade for all the lighting.
Maybe we could have a new thread about how MS stuffs everybody's sims including their own with updates to Win10. In bound will be weird mouse and window behaviours - and sound problems amongst a few others - glad my PC is back at the shop, thought there was something up before it went! Could not figure out howcome I was getting muted ATC then ATC from the speakers and sound in the headphones - joy for another day! Seriously so tired of this :banghead: Yep it all runs smoothly no issues and kaboom - nuclear option might be an idea in another part of the world! And I love the software gurus response - it is not a bug unless 100% of users get the same problem - since when did 100% of users have the same hardware? But they all got the same operating system buddy!