Some good news and some bad news on my first Victory



Well I finally achieved my first campaign victory (after 3 pilot deaths and some QC tune up).
First the good news: I shot down a Fokker DVII with a Spad XIII using Boom and Zoom tactics (or a slightly different version of it...I'll explain later).
Now the bad news : I was shot down short time after and cracked up the old bird ,as well as myself, in the insuing crash landing.

I was able to fill out a claim form after the death and did it to the best of my ability (the number was 40...not sure what this means...percentage of confirmation possibility?)
But since I am dead I guess I will never know if it would have been confirmed correct?

Here are some quick details for the Spad XIII pilots struggling late in the war.

Do not attack without altitude advantage. If you absolutely have to attack this way, extend from the fight, come back, make one pass, and extend again. If you turn more than a few times with the Fokker DVIIs you will be shot down.
If you have altitude advantage (and time) position the sun behind you. I did this and the enemy flight was caught completely by surprise. This might have no effect in the sim for all I know but I had never seen an enemy flight not maneuver at all until the machine guns started barking (if anythying it was more realistic to do it this way).

I made the first diving pass (and botched it) but one of my flight smoked an enemy fighter (first pass pictured below). You will see how far I actually extended before I zoomed. Perhaps I should have zoomed right away but it worked anyway.
I got back into the fight using all of the energy built up from my second dive and was able to turn inside a Fokker DVII and give him the business. I extended again, looked back and saw him going down OOC , eventually crashing.
I did this a few more times but had no effect on enemy aircraft and of course I kept losing energy , until I found myself doing what I did not want to do and that was stay in a slow turning fight. You can guess how it ended.
I'll do better next time. (and please save the labels speech when seeing the pics , I would never have spotted the enemy flight without them, I believe it's actually more realistic to have them on to make up for situational awareness lost on a computer screen).

First Pass , one enemy fighter seen smoking.


Fokker DVII about to be shot down during second pass.


Rickenbacker's flight arrives after this and I get cocky and make the fatal mistake of just turning in instead of getting altitude advantage again.

Dead and claim form filled out.

Congrats on the victory, MK2. So, that's one knot bursted.
Landing should be known before fighting, actually, but you will certainly burst that knot easier. And then you can proceed to become an ace!

Your plane is faster than the Germans, and climbs very well. Also, it's weapons are equal. So, if you continue a hit-and-run tactic, including climbs after the hit-bit, you should manage well. Don't turn with them - they might do better.
And for the victory: I believe you, and you know you did it, so you should just regard it being your first victory - confirmed or not! And that against a D VII - that's something to be proud of!

PS: Oh, and dive is also better with the SPAD, I think.
Position the sun behind you. I did this and the enemy flight was caught completely by surprise.

Interesting. It would be great if sun effects were modelled in the CSF3 game-engine. Lots of WW1 kills were surprise attacks on unsuspecting enemies.

Anyone know for sure if sun actually affects the AI' vision or not? I always assumed not, and that the AI have magic all-knowing vision. Would love to find out thats not true.
Nice write up and good advice- I didn't know that BHAH would recognize and give advantage to approaching with the sun at your back. Based on your combat analysis, you remind me of some of the RB3D players that used to give excellent advice on combat tactics. Are you a former RB3D player?
Nice write up and good advice- I didn't know that BHAH would recognize and give advantage to approaching with the sun at your back. Based on your combat analysis, you remind me of some of the RB3D players that used to give excellent advice on combat tactics. Are you a former RB3D player?

Duck it might not be recognized in the sim . I did it because it seemed the right thing to do and man did we surprise them.

Thnks for the replies everyone, I can't wait to try out this tactic again tonight.
Nice write up and good advice- I didn't know that BHAH would recognize and give advantage to approaching with the sun at your back. Based on your combat analysis, you remind me of some of the RB3D players that used to give excellent advice on combat tactics. Are you a former RB3D player?

I was still playing the original RB in Dosbox 7.2 this month , enjoyed RB3d but never loved it like I do OFF right now , gave advice but strayed away eventually to EAW , then IL2 and strike fighters.
I would also like to know if up sun is taken into account or not :)
I don't know if the sun effects the dosen't seem like it.


I found the Spad to be like fighting in the EIII.....its faster of course but you have to employ the tactics of only attack when you have every advantage. I learned to set myself as flight leader in the Spad, because too many times the AI attacked into some really bad situations(like 6 DVIIs at low altitude). Read about Guynemer and Udet's fight, older types, but you can infer they both kept their energy at maximum and tried head on passes rather than a swirly hollywood fight.