Some great classic scenery

ian elliot

Somthing intresting always turns up when the Outhouse goes down----

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 SceneryFS2004 Scenery--Trucial States 1961
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Size: 2,240,760 Date: 02-08-2014 Downloads: 83


FS2004 Scenery--Trucial States 1961. This package contains circa 1961 scenery for former Trucial States, by early 60's Kuwait, Qatar, Bahrain, and what today is the UAE were part of a British Protectorate. That same year Kuwait declared its independence. UK disengaged politically from the rest of the states in 1968 and after several disputes to become a unified federation, Qatar and Bahrain went independent and the rest of the "trucial states" became the United Arab Emirates on 1971. Requires CalClassic oblect libraries (CLASSIC_LIBRARIES_V3.ZIP) and RAF Khormaskar scenery by Ian Elliot (RAF_KHORMAKSAR_V2.ZIP). By Juan Antonio Martinez C. and Julius Czarnecki.

FS2004 (ACOF) - FS2004 SceneryFS2004 Scenery--1962 Texas Airports
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Size: 43,664,332 Date: 02-07-2014 Downloads: 162


FS2004 Scenery--1962 Texas Airports (TX), USA. This package contains circa 1962 scenery for Texas airports, almost all the state is covered with backdated commercial airports, military air bases and general aviation fields. See included Excel file for a complete airport guide. Requires CalClassic libraries (CLASSIC_LIBRARIES_V3.ZIP) and additional object libraries. By Juan Antonio Martinez C., Jorge Rechani and Al V. Pingel with the kind collaboration from Mike Stevens and Tom Gibson.


Have only installed the Trucial States so far but i really like it, make sure you disable my Sharjah or that area will look abit strange,
now where's my Hunter :biggrin-new:, cheers ian
I'd spotted the Texas Airports package, but missed the Trucial States one; thanks for the heads up Ian.