Some Ideas




I have some ideas which i want to share. Perhaps if you like add your personal ideas.

The Off Team can then take the easiest things to implement to add in one of the next patches (If the selling increases, which will happen)

1.) Wetter Report: what's about a picture of the actually weather which seems looking out of the barack to the airfield. (take some shoots for every weather type from airfield to the sky an print a window frame on it)
2.) The Duty Room: An "Airman" should be an "Ace" with 5 confirmed Kills.
3.) Intelly Report: There should be a button "Intelly report" that contains a list of enemy squadrons which are active on the frontline your squad is ordered at this time.
3.1) Killboard: Add a killboard "Best Aces" which shows all aces at the time period like:

September 1916
1. Capt. Albert Ball 31 Kills
2. Haupt. Oswald Boelcke 25 Kills
3. Leutnant Manfred von Richthofen 15 Kills
4. Major XXX 13 Kills
5. Capt. Mc. Allen (Player) 9 Kills

4. (My facorite) Add the button "request for change the squadron" Perhaps like the claim formular ?! after 2 weeks the RFC desides ...
5. After you are an ace some squadron leaders wants you in your squadron ? (Albert Ball heared of your victories and wants you in his squadron at XXX. Do you want to follow his wish?)
6. if you get a medal (my first EK1 i received after 5 confirmed kills) there should be a picture of this great moment. So on the next ones and sure on the VC and the Blue Max. (Perhaps it is possible to change the resolution of the medals cause in my 1920X1200 they don't look so good)

Hope i can make clear what i've meant with the points above. If not, ask ...

PS. P3 is the best Simulation i've ever played. Thanks you Mark and the whole OFF Team.

Greetings vschoell.
2.) The Duty Room: An "Airman" should be an "Ace" with 5 confirmed Kills.
5. After you are an ace some squadron leaders wants you in your squadron ? (Albert Ball heared of your victories and wants you in his squadron at XXX. Do you want to follow his wish?)
I also like this particular idea.. Im a huge fan of realism.. and the 'being there' feeling.. and as i have been playing sims for years of all kinds, flight, subs, etc.. (RB3d to Aces over Europe to name a quick few) ive seen excellent immertion in mods (Grey Wolfs Mod SH3) and ive seen some ho hum.. ( Rowans Battle of Britain)

I think it would be great to get a duty room button with a background (look out the window for the weather) one for Allies with a nissan hut type scene.. a radio (click on it WW1 tunes and or news) vise versa for the central powers with a few airmen playing cards..etc.. Roundels/Tail Fin Flashes from crashed allied planes on the wall.. and i have seen this done before with a mod.. (SH3 Commander) where the local scuttlebut changes with the war.. if you flamed a ace.. they talk about it.. a big battle.. its mentioned.. GREAT feeling of really being there.. Just some ideas for the future if time and wishes allow

Im not stealing this idea from SH3-4 (I give them all the credit in the world for their software!!) but it really does give you the personal connection with the time and place..

another idea is to show a wireless if you want to transfer(with different jastas or squadrons which are available) with morse code in the background and you will be informed a few missions later..etc.. Besides that i love your above mentioned things and i think its worthy of some consideration :)


All good ideas thanks, one day if we carry on improving maybe. Of course takes time to do the photos of every weather type etc.
5 kills = Ace is fine early on but it changes as the war progresses so that would have to be factored in.
Some of the challenges and requests to join other squadrons from RB are fun too.
Change squadron /transfers have been discussed before but as we say, we need to spread the word to support us to carry on...
Sure.. it was just my 2 cents worth contributed to Vschoell's original Ideas.. But like you said its all about sales and the future.. WE need to get people to play this game instead of some of the other worthless flight sims on the market!!

Keep doin what your doin Devs.. its an amazing experience!! :friday:

Blue 781
Fine ideas all, except of course as Pol stated. Five kills was only in effect very early in the war, and then later true in WWII, but for the better part of WWI you had to drop quite a few more than five to be considered ace.

Other fun and immersive suggestions:

Other medals awarded than just the iron crosses, like the "House of Hohenzollern...etc.etc. There were a few others. (maybe they're in there and we just haven't earned them yet!!?? : )

As mentioned above, the option to request a transfer, or the possibility of you being invited to transfer as well based on your status.

You being added to the "ACE column" in the Campaign main page with the other traditional aces once you've achieved it.

Better crash dynamic damage model, where if your plane tips over on a wounded or bad landing the result isn't simply your wing dissaperaing into the ground, and then you rolling into the ground and exploding. Perhaps a variation of options here like a wing skidding you in a circle to a stop/The wing breaking off(depending on speed and angle of course) and you spinning to a stop - rolling over and shedding wings -or rolling and exploding (again severity dependant) with the structures showing the damage better...etc. (dont get me wrong...not complaining, the way it is now works fine...just suggesting improvements for phase 4!! : ) )
Another variant: on hard landing or damaged landing--landing gear breaking off or buckling and tearing away and the skid to stop occurs on the bottom wing--(often happened)
And finally for landing on rough terrain---the landing and the gear hangs in the rough terrain once the craft slows and the plane noses down into the dirt and the tail goes up into the air as you so often see in many WWI emergency landing photos.

Any combo of these would be really cool.

One personalizing touch that RB3D had was your tent where you went to check your stats and medals, with the stat book on the desk with some paraphenalia like your flght helmet and goggles..etc, and other period items. This isn't crucial but does add yet another layer of immersion. So you could open your stat book on the desk and check your stats and click on the box with your awards and see what medals you had earned. Just another cool idea possibility.

Anyhoo, lets get out there and help them sell this sucker so there can be more ideas incorporated in future upgrades. : )

Fine ideas all, except of course as Pol stated. Five kills was only in effect very early in the war, and then later true in WWII, but for the better part of WWI you had to drop quite a few more than five to be considered ace.

Other fun and immersive suggestions:

Other medals awarded than just the iron crosses, like the "House of Hohenzollern...etc.etc. There were a few others. (maybe they're in there and we just haven't earned them yet!!?? : )

As mentioned above, the option to request a transfer, or the possibility of you being invited to transfer as well based on your status.

You being added to the "ACE column" in the Campaign main page with the other traditional aces once you've achieved it.

Better crash dynamic damage model, where if your plane tips over on a wounded or bad landing the result isn't simply your wing dissaperaing into the ground, and then you rolling into the ground and exploding. Perhaps a variation of options here like a wing skidding you in a circle to a stop/The wing breaking off(depending on speed and angle of course) and you spinning to a stop - rolling over and shedding wings -or rolling and exploding (again severity dependant) with the structures showing the damage better...etc. (dont get me wrong...not complaining, the way it is now works fine...just suggesting improvements for phase 4!! : ) )
Another variant: on hard landing or damaged landing--landing gear breaking off or buckling and tearing away and the skid to stop occurs on the bottom wing--(often happened)
And finally for landing on rough terrain---the landing and the gear hangs in the rough terrain once the craft slows and the plane noses down into the dirt and the tail goes up into the air as you so often see in many WWI emergency landing photos.

Any combo of these would be really cool.

One personalizing touch that RB3D had was your tent where you went to check your stats and medals, with the stat book on the desk with some paraphenalia like your flght helmet and goggles..etc, and other period items. This isn't crucial but does add yet another layer of immersion. So you could open your stat book on the desk and check your stats and click on the box with your awards and see what medals you had earned. Just another cool idea possibility.

Anyhoo, lets get out there and help them sell this sucker so there can be more ideas incorporated in future upgrades. : )


My wheels were hit by the top wing of a DVII. When I landed, the kite settled down onto it's left wing and I did a long gentle ground-loop. That's pretty good modelling of the a/c's parts, and it's handling of them vis-a-vis the ground. Certainly made a change from what I was expecting, the usual loss of the wings on that side, followed by bursting into flames. My guess is it's calculated based on speed and/or severity of force between part and ground.
Wow, I've never seen that one occur. I'll keep watchin for it Siggi.

ZZ. : )