Some Newbie questions



Greetings pilots!

I have some newbie question about OFF, and some of them are directly related to some CFS3 features:

1) I would like to know if is there some kind of "autopilot" function in Over Flanders Fields. Yes I know well we are flying in the ww1 era, so this kind of equippent is off limits, but sometime when flying in formation (or alone) I like to spend time looking around form the cockpit view and also from the external view. With the costant requirment of imput that these planes need is so easy to loose control or get lost of your flight.
A simple "autopilot" function (even just a level autopilot) would help a lot in these relaxed parts of the flight.

2) How the AI works? Is there some grade of variability of the flying enemy skill. For example if I select the highest level of AI, can I encounter an Ace but also a Rookie? Or this is exclusive, so Ace mean that every enemy pilot in the game will have an Ace AI?

3) Is there a way to have a better map resolution in game? I mean the map who I can see in flight when I press the M key? Is possible to zoom in/out that map?

4) Is there a way to revive a pilot died in combat in the campaing? I know the death is the death...but sometime I would indulge. :p

Thank you all in advance for your Answer.

1) x-key warps you to the next waypoint, shift-x exit warp

2) as far as I know, the AI is only selectable in QC. You can set, easiest,easy and realistic in the workshops for campaign. But that affects your realism rate.

3) on a german keyboard its the ß-key and ´-key.

4) no revival. death is death. Adds a lot of immersion!:applause:
Greetings pilots!

I have some newbie question about OFF, and some of them are directly related to some CFS3 features:

1) I would like to know if is there some kind of "autopilot" function in Over Flanders Fields. Yes I know well we are flying in the ww1 era, so this kind of equippent is off limits, but sometime when flying in formation (or alone) I like to spend time looking around form the cockpit view and also from the external view. With the costant requirment of imput that these planes need is so easy to loose control or get lost of your flight.
A simple "autopilot" function (even just a level autopilot) would help a lot in these relaxed parts of the flight.

2) How the AI works? Is there some grade of variability of the flying enemy skill. For example if I select the highest level of AI, can I encounter an Ace but also a Rookie? Or this is exclusive, so Ace mean that every enemy pilot in the game will have an Ace AI?

3) Is there a way to have a better map resolution in game? I mean the map who I can see in flight when I press the M key? Is possible to zoom in/out that map?

4) Is there a way to revive a pilot died in combat in the campaing? I know the death is the death...but sometime I would indulge. :p

Thank you all in advance for your Answer.


There's no autopilot.

AI is random in campaign except for aces, who are ace. in QC you can select from all levels to random (other than random all planes in your flight will be what you set them as).

Map is fixed, it's a CFS3 limitation, though you can reduce it's physical size by modifying a file (will look exactly the same in-game but make less demands on memory).

Campaign pilot can be ressurected. Shh! I have done it only two times, once when an FPS slideshow glitch made me crash and once when the game crashed and robbed me of a kill on a different pilot (fair's fair, game robbed me of a kill so I robbed the game of a kill :icon_lol: ).
ampaign pilot can be ressurected. Shh! I have done it only two times, once when an FPS slideshow glitch made me crash and once when the game crashed and robbed me of a kill on a different pilot (fair's fair, game robbed me of a kill so I robbed the game of a kill :icon_lol: ).

1) x-key warps you to the next waypoint, shift-x exit warp

2) as far as I know, the AI is only selectable in QC. You can set, easiest,easy and realistic in the workshops for campaign. But that affects your realism rate.

3) on a german keyboard its the ß-key and ´-key.

4) no revival. death is death. Adds a lot of immersion!:applause:

The map can be zoomed? Which keys do that (on UK spec system)?
Both, right besides the 0-key. Dont know how they are named on the english keyboard.
If you want to fly quick battles to hone your skill or just get your adrenalin going I would suggest creating a dummy pilot, make him Active, set him to Never Die in Workshops and go balls out if that's your thing. Just remember to set Death back to Normal before going back into the Campaign though or your realism score will be down several notches. If you care about that.
That's how I do it anyway.
Autopilot is cntrl+shift+A. Is is a simple 'fly level' autopilot.

On an english keyboard the map is zoomed with the [ and ] keys, or the + and - numberpad keys.
1) x-key warps you to the next waypoint, shift-x exit warp

2) as far as I know, the AI is only selectable in QC. You can set, easiest,easy and realistic in the workshops for campaign. But that affects your realism rate.

3) on a german keyboard its the ß-key and ´-key.

4) no revival. death is death. Adds a lot of immersion!:applause:

Acually it's ctrl+X to exit warp.
