Some Newbie Questions


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Good afternoon all,

Yesterday I took the plunge and bought the Premium Deluxe version of the new sim. I've had a few hours in it today and so far I am very impressed with the visuals etc. However, I do have a few questions if anyone knows the answers please help.

1) I purchased the Premium Deluxe version as I wanted the 787 and Cirrus. From what I have read there should be 30 aircraft in this version. For some reason I only have 20. I checked the Microsoft store and it clearly states that I have purchased the premium deluxe version. Do these aircraft hide somewhere else compared to the core 20 in the basic version?

2) Coming from a P3Dv4.5 and its predecessors, I was used to using the HAT switch on my Thrustmaster Warthog stick to pan my view around the aircraft. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in MSFS2020, has anyone managed?

thank you for taking the time if you are able to help.

Kind Regards
Good afternoon all,

Yesterday I took the plunge and bought the Premium Deluxe version of the new sim. I've had a few hours in it today and so far I am very impressed with the visuals etc. However, I do have a few questions if anyone knows the answers please help.

1) I purchased the Premium Deluxe version as I wanted the 787 and Cirrus. From what I have read there should be 30 aircraft in this version. For some reason I only have 20. I checked the Microsoft store and it clearly states that I have purchased the premium deluxe version. Do these aircraft hide somewhere else compared to the core 20 in the basic version?

2) Coming from a P3Dv4.5 and its predecessors, I was used to using the HAT switch on my Thrustmaster Warthog stick to pan my view around the aircraft. For the life of me I can't figure out how to do this in MSFS2020, has anyone managed?

thank you for taking the time if you are able to help.

Kind Regards

Dale, the wording for the panning view is a little more detailed. Be sure to read the view descriptions carefully. Took me a bit, but I figured it out! Pete
Thank you so much for the help guys, the camera setting that Bomber_12th has shown makes me feel more at home now so massive thank you for that.

I am still working through trying to get all the aircraft there. It does seem strange to me that the core aircraft are fine but you need Windows to be at a higher standard in order to work. Thanks for the link on trying to resolve that issue I'll keep trying.

another question though, in the controls menu there are two boxes next to the option you are trying to map (where you validate the command), what does the second box on the right do if you use the left one to assign a key/switch?

The right box option is for the rare chance you want to assign the same function to two different switches on the same controller.
The right box option is for the rare chance you want to assign the same function to two different switches on the same controller.
It also helps when you use a keystroke that requires a bit of a stretch. The sim knows the difference between the left and right Shift, Ctrl, and Alt keys, and the ones assigned as "Shift" are only the left side. If you want to toggle the pushback with Shift+P using only one hand, it's a stretch. Add a second "Right Shift+P" to the same function and then it's much easier.
Finally managed to get all the aircraft into the sim now.

Couple more questions though.

1) Are there paintkits available for the aircraft anywhere?

2) Since the update I appear to not be able to change the sensitivity of any of my controls. The option is there but when the sensitivity page comes up, it's blank. Anyone else got this issue?

As far as I know, there are no layered kits. People have just opened the existing paints and reworked them.

As for sensitivities, that's already a very well-known bug. I haven't heard anything, but I'd expect a hot-fix in a week or two - hopefully. The patch from 1.7.12 to 1.7.14 was a hotfix for some issue (forget what), and it was released fairly quickly after the initial release.