some observations/questions




ive been playin an eindecker campaign in late 1915 and have some questions.

1 - im finding the eindecker a real beast to fly. on long flights im constantly havin to pull back on the stick to keep it in level flight (if only autopilot worked). im not havin much luck usin trim so anyone got any tips of keepin the plane in level flight without constant management?

2 - in also havin problems spottin planes at range when they are flyin below the horizon, they just blend into the landscape. i realise this was probably the way it was back then but is anyone havin similar problems? id prefer not to use labels. the fact that i get a strange shimmering affect on the landscape doesnt help, what game or graphic card settings would help here?

3 - ive now flown 4 missions and have yet to see any enemy aircraft. this includes one scramble mission where i expected to see some action but no aircraft were spotted. is this normal? i have regional air activity on heavy.

I've flown eight missions without seeing a single hun, but it's down to the weather (blizzards every time I go up). I know they've been around though from watching the mission reviews, once directly below me. Unfortunately they were at 2000ft and I was at 11000ft.
1- Try hitting the Ctrl Shift A combination. Sometimes it hangs up sometimes not. Keep trying it. Also long flights you may want to Warp to the next waypoint.

2- Spotting the EA without labels can be difficult (as it was)..especially if you are separated by 1000's of feet of altitude. For several missions I was wondering where is "everyone" (I don't like using the labels). However, I programmed the label on/off function to my stick, and can just very quickly flick it on and off just to get a sense of what around. Graphic card I have is nVidia 8800 GT and it works fine. Check the thread or Sticky on the settings.."Doublestop" posted a very clear settings configuration, that boosted my FPS dramatically (75fps). Also, as someone suggested, try increasing your resolution to a very high setting in the config file. Really evens things out.

3- See above.

For a long time, I hadn't much success with trimming my plane, until I realised, that you don't have to do single ticks on "trim up" (wherever you have it) - you can press it as long as it needs to work fine. Much easier now.