Some P3D queries.


Charter Member
OK I succumbed when SWMBO said, "Go on treat yourself" yesterday. I was amazed the single zip file took only just over 20 minutes to d/l.
One or two annoyances
The ATC window is still solid opaque. No big deal but I would have thought given the complaints from V1.4 they would have addressed that.
Initial view in the VC is always at about 30%, probably solvable once I get to grips with this.
Tesselation - it appears to kill my system :banghead:

Is my PC antique or what, FSX is way smoother and it is stuffed full of goodies like FSGlobal, FTX Vector and Global, UT2, REX4, FSC.
P3D stutters & splurts like an old Harley Davidson. It is still on start up specs though I had to disable Tesselation.

My Specs:- Intel i7-2600K @ 3.40 GHz
16Gb Corsair RAM
Win7 64 on a SSD

The only add-on I have installed thus far is the paid FSUIPC.
Geforce GTX660 video card with 2Gb. (who can afford these recommended 4Gb cards? :dizzy:)
P3D is on its own drive all to itself a WD Black 2Gb

Is there yet a definitive guide to the cfg? There are a lot of settings in there that seem unique to P3D. :wiggle:

Thanks in advance anyone who cares to comment. :encouragement:
Only reply I have is that with Tessellation turned off the entire job of texture management/loading falls to the CPU. With it turned on the texture loading moves to the GPU and allows the CPU to handle other areas of the workload. Tessellation was introduced to enhance performance. Also, it has been noted that turning tessellation off can cause the 6025R Runtime Error.
I'll have to do some experimentation with the levels of tessellation possibly.

Interestingly I shoved the tessellation all the way to the right (default was about 1/2 way) and Falcon seem to be right the jerkiness has gone away.

There is much new in the settings which is unknown to FSX, it's going to take a while but I'm pretty impressed. I could learn to love it. :applause:
Awaken sleeping thread

Running v2.2 (which I plan on updating to v2.4) I had almost everything dialed far right except for traffic.
We've the same processor and same amount (not relevant) of ram.
You have the superior VC, as I have the GTX580.
My install of P3D being on a sole 256GB SSD.
I average 60+ FPS in most helicopters. Slower and less taxing I know. The visuals, excellent. I won't complain!!
The aircraft I've flown mainly have been un-textured models that were in the works. Most without any hits from textures or VC programming.

I almost forgot to mention, My system is OC'd generally at 4.2ghz for anything flight related.
Also, aside from ORBX PNW and a few other of the developers sceneries, that's the extent of my visual stimuli. And no nvidia inspector. Smooth as a babies behind.
I find myself doing either graphics, or modeling to pass my time.
Interesting, your frames at 60 are unobtainable for me it seems for some reason, I guess I will have to consider overclocking. Most of my sliders are about 50% and I get frames in the 30's comfortably any higher and the stutters come back, AND I'm running a virgin P3D not a single addon scenery wise.
I have the very same config here, Naismaith, right down to the CPU and GPU. Not overclocked (these measures didn't bring much of a difference in my previous tests).
60 fps is pretty normal here. What bogs my system down is when I tick all the shadowing options on and set complex and highres clouds. So I leave the fingers off that.

I found that the 2gig 660 is pretty maxed when tesselation and shadowing is activated. GPU processor load as well as graphic RAM. On one hand that's a good sign, because that means that finally the graphic cards are used as they should. On the other hand it makes me plan to get a new GPU in the next few months, probably a 970 / 980 with 4 gig RAM. That'll be the next major investment.

In the past I learned that generally helicopters seem less taxing on my system. I figure it has to do with the speed at which the scenery is being processed and displayed.
-The most complex helicopter I have is the MV Bell 407. If I just had the skills! Very nice model.
-Complex (GA) aircraft, and jets like the MV F-86, usually hit fairly hard. On the average from 30 to low 40's fps with minor stutters at times.

Tesselation is hindered at times to where the waves rolling up on the beaches are not there. Sometimes the same results with boats.

The nVidia v332.21 drivers have worked the best for my config, so I stayed with them for fear of mucking stuff up.