Some planes look out of focus when selecting in Fs9


Life Time CM
I am having this problem with some planes showing fuse or other parts out of focus when I select them for flight. Not all planes do this, just a few. This even happens to the vc but if I change veiws and then come back the parts are not in focus.
I think there may be several causes possible. I know that sometimes it can be a model/compile issue, inwhich case zooming way in then back out will cure the blurries. You can also play with the MIP settings in the Sim and on your video card.
Some folks still save their textures with Mip Mapping....which can give you the blurry out of focus look. To see if this is the case with the planes your are having problems with, go to the texture folder for the plane, and see how large the texture files are. If they are in DXT3 and 1.33 meg, they have mip mapping, while DXT3 with no mip mapping is 1 meg even for a 1024 by 1024 sized texture sheet. In 32-bit 888 format, a 1024 by 1024 texture sheet without mip maps will be 4 megs even, slight larger if it has mip mapping.

If your global texture settings are too low, this can happen to higher detailed aircraft, just a thought.
Check what astroroth says, but in my experience, it has been mip mapping. I only use 1 mip map for an airplane, since my system will handle it, all textures are 888-8 32-bit bitmaps for the best look.

Thanks guys,,,it was mips fault...I loaded texture into DXTBmp and saved with no mips and it looks better than ever,,,solved another problem of out of focus down the fuse when looking from the front. Thanks again!