some problems with beautiful ETO


Charter Member
hi guys, first of all my congratulation to tha team that made ETO possible!!!
next some small issues I would l like to point it out just the help us delighted ETO simmers!
1) how could we do to let the time compression work? where to add the "time" after "exe" required for that?
2) once selected stock spawns (n°1) and era 1 I found near my 109 "emil" a FW 190 A-5 I suppose. Is that wrong or normal in such an "era"?
3) selected "Berry au Bac" as a base in the "1943" era willig to fly a "gustav"; the game crashed to desktop. once changed the airfield I got such a problem no more. It depends on the fact that "Berry au Bac" belongs to era 1? have I already messed it up the global layer? how can I know before starting a theater which bases/aircrafts are compatible?
4) got some strange visual effects with 109 E-1, at starting point as I rotate my sight on the sides I see light blue triangles at the root of the wings.
5) flight model: with the new stock P51B and P47D-20 the ones tested, I noticed there is no buffeting of the stick before stall, worse these ships do not want to stall at all and enter a spin properly! easy for landing but... error of mine or new flight models?
6) my autopilot do not want to work as ever.... every time I select "my configuration" saved in appl data as CFS3v.1.0xca it does not work. it works only when using the default configuration. headhache!
Sorry maybe I was boring but still I hope your help can clarify the game for all other simmers
My best regards, gianluca
If you are intending to swap between eras it is best to select the default airbase Fowlmere and the P47 before closing down.

When more airbases and aircraft are added to the later eras in the next patch this will be an increasing problem if you do not start to do this as a matter of routine.

Some of your questions may be found in the FAQ


1. How does the autoinstaller work.
Refer to the READ ME BEFORE INSTALLATION document.
2. How do you change the Eras?
Refer to the CFS3 ETO EXPANSION ERA SWAPPER document for an explanation on how the swappers work.
3. Can I name the CFS3 ETO Expansion install ETO2 and have it work correctly?
No, the Theater has to be named CFS3 ETO Expansion, the Eraswappers, the global layer backup, and the ZX Zapper programs will not work with an install named other than CFS3 ETO Expansion.
4. Do I need to install Mission Builder in the CFS3 ETO Expansion?
No, the autoinstaller wil install a mission builder into the CFS3 ETO Expansion directory.
5. Do I need to install the NEK?
No, the CFS3 ETO Expansion comes with a NEK that is configured just for the CFS3 ETO Expansion. Installing a previously released NEK will corrupt the one that was installed with the install package.
6. Can I install the 46th Design Group Scenery Package into the CFS3 ETO Expansion?
No, it is recommended not to do so as it will corrupt the existing global layers. The initial release of CFS3 includes the Italy entries of the 46th Design Group Scenery. Subsequent updates to CFS3 ETO Expansion may include other locals.
7. Can I install the Firepower Add on?
That is unkown, the installation of the Firepower add on was not tested, so the impact to the theater is not known.
8. I have installed the CFS3 ETO Expansion Install program and the CFS3 ETO Expansion Swapper Install program, but I can't switch Eras. What's Wrong?
Is your CFS3 ETO Expansion directory path different from the default C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion? If it is you will need to refer to the detailed instructions in the CFS3 ETO EXPANSION ERA SWAPPER Readme to change the directory path entries in the swappers to match your computer's paths.
If you started the sim without changing the swappers to your computers install path you have corrupted your era files. It is recommended that you uninstall the the associated Era files by manually deleting the existing era file sets from your theater. Then run the CFS3 ETO Expansion ORIFs Re-Install program to re-install the Original Release Install Files (ORIFs).
See The ERA File Restore Readme for detailed instructions on how to retore your era files.

9. Where are the Readmes?
The Readmes are located in the main directory folder CFS3 ETO Expansion Readme.
10. My scenery looks funny. What's wrong?
When you installed the Install package did you verify that the ZX Zapper deleted the *.zx files in the Terrains and Terrains2 folders. Manually run the ZX Zapper and see if that corrects your scenery.
11. What happens if I exit out of QC from an airfield that is not in the next Era I choose?
You need to make sure that you select another airfield before clicking on the FLY button.
If you don't you will get the floating hourglass or the sim will CTD. If you get the floating hourglass you can recover by immediately selecting the options pull down menu and Exit the game.
12. What happens if I exit out of a mission that is not in the next Era I choose?
Nothing, the sim will revert to the first mission in the new Era.
13. Are there special considerations in using the CFS3 ETO Expansion Mission Builder in the CFS3 ETO Expansion Theater?
During the autoinstall process the Mission Builder will be installed in your main directory. Right click on the MB and open the Properties pull down tab. The default directory and target paths are C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion. If your install path is different from the default, copy and paste your install path to the directory and target text windows.
Because the 5 CFS3 ETO Expansion ERAs have different airfields and facilties entries in the global layer.csv/qclocations.xml additional procedures have to be followed to use the
CFS3 ETO Expansion Mission Builder.
It is important that you exit out of the sim in the Era that you want to build a new mission or revise an existing mission.
Then initialize the Mission Builder and you will be able to verify that you are in the correct Era when the MB splash screen appears.
Once in the correct Era for the mission, normal procedures for the mission builder can be followed.
14. What campaigns can I play? How do they work?
There are presently two specific Era campaigns for 1936. The Attack in the West and the Phoney War. All campaigns have spawn file groups which correspond to Allied or Axis Sides.
There is a stock campaign. Also there are campaigns for 1943, 1944, and 1945.Presently there is no specific campaign for the Bob Era. At a later date campaigns may be added to the theater.
See the Campaign Play Readme for details.
15. Why isn't there more aircraft included in the CFS3 ETO Expansion?
It was decided by the team to limit the amount of aircraft. We recommend as a minimum to install all the available aircraft from AvH and Regs Hanger, plus the Ground Crew craft on Regs.
16. I get alot of stutter and low FPS.. What can I do? In the assets/highres dds folder there is a dds file called Rename it to There is also a dds file called, change that to You should see an improvement. You can also switch the aircraft textures from high resolultion to low resolution.
You can also turn down your sliders in the cfs3config file.
I would have to double check on this one but....
when I tried the new Mosquito...the guns didn't work
If you are intending to swap between eras it is best to select the default airbase Fowlmere and the P47 before closing down.

When more airbases and aircraft are added to the later eras in the next patch this will be an increasing problem if you do not start to do this as a matter of routine.

Hi flashgordon, understood. and whatever the era, when selecting QC always choose stock spawns I suppose?
do you think the crash issue experienced with the "gustav" as well as fw190 showing in era 1 mean corrupted files?
thanks u all!
Is your CFS3 ETO Expansion directory path different from the default C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 ETO Expansion? If it is you will need to refer to the detailed instructions in the CFS3 ETO EXPANSION ERA SWAPPER Readme to change the directory path entries in the swappers to match your computer's paths.

Sorry for the question but why don't you use an "enviroment variable" for the ETO path and point at it for all the batch files?
zapped the .zx's and still have funky translucent bands of purple and pink on the sea and in the sky.....any thoughts??? Thanks
Hi flashgordon, understood. and whatever the era, when selecting QC always choose stock spawns I suppose?
do you think the crash issue experienced with the "gustav" as well as fw190 showing in era 1 mean corrupted files?
thanks u all!

:kilroy:Gianluca, on the CFS3 ETO Expansion Spawn Selector, numbers 5 (ALLIED SIDE ATTACK IN THE WEST), 6 (AXIS SIDE ATTACK IN THE WEST), 7 (ALLIED SIDE PHONEY WAR CAMPAIGN), & 8 (AXIS SIDE PHONEY WAR CAMPAIGN) are for use while playing campaigns in Era 1.

Numbers 3 (ALLIED SIDE ETO CAMPAIGN) and 4 (AXIS SIDE ETO CAMPAIGN) are for playing the "normal" ETO campaigns (1943, 1944, & 1945) in Eras 3, 4, & 5.

Number 2 (RANDOM SPAWN DISABLE) is for use during mission play.

Number 1 (STOCK SPAWN MODE) is for QC. However, any selection can used in QC with no problems.

I hope this helps.:d
no one of us have really noticed the difference in the flight model? I mean, I tried with the stock p47's and 109 g-6 and I could not let them stall!! the previous stock ones had a different behaviour and still have, once imported in ETO. is that a known and wanted issue?
here are two thumbnails about the visual effects of the "emil" but I think it was a known issu as for the spit simply waiting for improvement in the future...
The flight models in the stock polanes are the same. It is the skins that have changed along with the addition of lights and exhaust fx.
hi middle sorry for my insistence..... if the flight models are the same why do my stock planes perform so differently? no one here has the same problem? the other only answer is that I have corrupted files.....
furthermore when selecting Fowlmere as stock base, every time I close down the game and start it again, no matter which era, I always get the same nice and simple grass field. Is that correct? thanks for your patience guys... gianluca
If you are intending to swap between eras it is best to select the default airbase Fowlmere and the P47 before closing down.

When more airbases and aircraft are added to the later eras in the next patch this will be an increasing problem if you do not start to do this as a matter of routine.

:wavey:I found out by just deleating the uisel file prior to firing up ETO eliminated those era startup issues.
gianlucabagatti, if you're getting the same fields no matter which era, I would say something is corrupted. If I were you, I would go back to the drawing board, re-read all teh read-mes very carefully and testing we had to re-install so many times I lost count as changes were made, etc, and I can say that by the final rerlease, the installer worked flawlessly. Now, in my case, that measn I have ETO in the default loaction. If your location is other than C drive, then you must take the steps outlined in the read mes. mid
furthermore when selecting Fowlmere as stock base, every time I close down the game and start it again, no matter which era, I always get the same nice and simple grass field. Is that correct? thanks for your patience guys... gianluca

If you've swapped eras I think that you will default back to Fowlmere everytime. (This was just a grass field early on in the war btw, a later version will come at some point in the future). If you want to change Fowlmere to some other base in europe for your ui screen just change the entry in the frontend.xml file in the missions folder.

Don't get disheartened! :)
thanks Pat, I can keep on goin' it's such a wonderful sim!
just wanted to know if FOWLMERE alredy exists in different "versions" according to a peculiar era and now I know we just have to wait; by now this base remains actually the same through the various eras, a perfect default base for people who like swapping...
so, thanks middle, at least I know I have no corrupted files!
gianlucabagatti said:
here are two thumbnails about the visual effects of the "emil" but I think it was a known issu as for the spit simply waiting for improvement in the future...
This issue is not specific to the 109 model. It's also evident on the Hurricane Mk I. It looks like the runway or something like that.
I echo the congrats. What an incredible amount of work! I have a problem someone can help me with. When I select an era to spawn, I can read "the system cannot find the file" in every era I select. Yet, for some reason, I can still fly (except in the 1943 era where when I select American for fighter or bomber, I get dropped back to the desktop. Something I need to do?

I noticed something similar in the stock flight models. Well, that's what they looked and felt like to me. I hadn't flown them in a long time before I installed ETO. THe strange stock-like behavior was back but I think it's because it copies the files from your vanilla install. I hope the Mudpond or even AvHistory flight models get added to it because they are Sooooo much better than stock. Joystick settings come into play here but really the difference is huge. 1% FMs are great and you can really do a lot more aerobatics and edge of envelope dogfighting with the 1%s. Too fake torque-ish training-wheel rollout behavior is hideous on the P-47. The 1% have a good torque effect and pfactor that you would expect depending on the rotation of the engine but this roll out behaviour is just fake. (flight- set to medium or hard? usually hard!)The 190 Dora is at the other end of the spectrum. It is so touchy (well like the stock 190s) it is very hard to finess. Any reasonable gun platform should be stable enough for marksmanship and unstable enough for aerobatics.