Some questions about the Cloud9 F-4 & AH Mosquito


Charter Member
I was wondering if I could get some help in regards to the Cloud9 F-4 and the Aeroplane Heaven Mosquito. As far the F-4 goes, does anyone know if there are any repaints for the F-4 here for download? As for the Mosquito2 questions, does anyone have any idea how to unfold the wings and lower the tail hook on the Royal Navy version, and as with the F-4, are there any repaints here at sim-outhouse available for download.

As for the Mosquito2 questions, does anyone have any idea how to unfold the wings and lower the tail hook on the Royal Navy version, and as with the F-4, are there any repaints here at sim-outhouse available for download.

there is a lever in the vc for both
and as well as Jans repaints
there are a few more RobH and Shessi
... As far the F-4 goes, does anyone know if there are any repaints for the F-4 here for download? ...

Aside from the repaint authors already mentioned, look in the ADDON section in the Choose Author's Name - Library and look for F-4 repaints by these authors

- bully707
- Dag
- lilduckfoot2

Dag also includes an excellent paintkit for the C9 F-4

