Some questions regarding MAW.



I finally have had a chance to play around with MAW. (Thanks Tom!) I really like it - especially Malta. But I do have a few questions that maybe someone could help me out with.
1- The game's awesome and visually stunning, but it often kills my framerates to the point of almost totally freezing (like 3 to 5 "Seconds per Frame", not even "frames per second"). Any ideas on how to get around this?
2- Is there any way to get around the "no German campaigns of Malta 1940" thing? I'd like to take a shot at it as a historical What-if.
3- I'd like to use one of the Do17z2's from MAW in my regular CFS3 game. Can someone advise me in how to move things around.
Hello again Mike, good to hear from you!

MAW is generally framerate-friendly, but there are some bits that will kill an older rig - especially Valetta Grand Harbour on Malta in the missions! IIRC Taranto will do the same. I don't know what sort of rig you've got, but my old clunker - P4 1.7GHz, 768MB ram, nVidia FX5200 128MB - ran better if I toned down the details.
  1. Run MAW Config Utility, and wait for the message "CFS3 has been configured" to appear.
  2. Go to File - Custom Settings and ignore the warning message
  3. If your rig is anything like my old one, tone down the settings somewhat. Clouds on 1, and most of the others on 2 ran fine for me, but I liked the Aircraft Detail on 5. Then click on OK
  4. Go to Window - Overrides and uncheck Dual pass Render, check High Resolution Z-buffer. Click on OK
  5. VERY IMPORTANT Click on File - Exit to finish. If you simply close the utility via the red Close button at top right your new settings will be lost.
It also helped turning the colour depth down to 16-bit - I was running at 1680x1050

Correction - sorry!

Oooops! Delete the "Then click on OK" from item no.3 above. :redf:

As far as missions go, you'll need to roll your own if you want to have Germans over Malta in 1940, which is beyond my experience. Maybe some of the other chaps will weigh in here? :engel016:
Today I try to find MAW, but seems that any link is available... any info?

Today I try to find MAW, but seems that any link is available... any info?

Hello Allister

Unfortunately MAW is no longer available for download but if You are interested You can send me a PM with your snail mail address and I shall send You a dvd with the MAW's files.

Cheers :ernae: and have always good flying
Cristiano "Astore"
Chances are good that MAW will be online again soon once Neil comes around sorting the issues with the Netwings website.
As ya'll might have heard he was released from hospital and is looking into the site.
Cristiano's heroic efforts are keeping the AMAZING MAW mod available...:engel016: :medals::icon29::medals::applause:

Hi Popsaka

There is nothing heroic in what I do, it's only my way to thanks all the People who spent so much of their time to give us what is my preferred CFS3 expansion.
However thanks for your kind words.
Cheers :ernae: .....and MAW forever

Cristiano "Astore"
well deserved, laddie... and 'a course all of our best wishes and feelings to Neil!!!:applause:
Thanks Tom. I just got a few minutes to play around with the configuration utility now. I did most of what you recommend, except that I can't find where "windows - overrides" is to "uncheck dual pass, and check high res z-buffer." With the partial adjustments, things still freeze up in aerial combat over some locations such as the harbour at Malta. Thanks also for the answer regarding a German 1940 Malta campaign - I figured it might be too difficult, but it was worth asking.

Mike- Go to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 Mediterranean Air War

Open the "cfs3config" file. Dialog box opens..

upper left corner click file
Click custom settings
Click OK (disregard the notification)
Another dialog box opens..
upper left corner click "window"
Click "overrides"
Final dialog editor box opens..all options available for tweaking sim.

Mike- Go to:
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Games\CFS3 Mediterranean Air War

Open the "cfs3config" file. Dialog box opens..

upper left corner click file
Click custom settings
Click OK (disregard the notification)
Another dialog box opens..
upper left corner click "window"
Click "overrides"
Final dialog editor box opens..all options available for tweaking sim.


I got as far as custom settings... OK... the next dialog box with the various graphic quality sliders. Problem is, there's nowhere to click "window" or "overrides". They're just not there. I'm wondering whether I may not have propperly installed this utility when I installed MAW and all the updates. The Dialog boxes I get don't look like what everybody's describing. Similar but not exactly the same - like it's a different version or something.

Disregard previous post. I finally found it - hidden in plain sight - after a couple of days of looking at it. I made all the necessary adjustments. I'm going to test the results out now and see if it fixes the frame rate issue.

Thanks again.
Glad you found it..don't know why they made it so difficult in the first place. Don't feel bad..I and many others had the same problem initially ;>).

Well, I tried it out after making the tweaks, but it's still freezing up over certain "target rich environments" such as Grand Harbour, Malta, or other similarly dense ground formations. Might just be my relatively weak computer and nothing can be done about it.

The funny thing is that I could fly one or two passes over a "freeze-up area" without problem. But on subsequent passes the frame rates drop progressively slower until by the 4th or 5th time it become totally impossible to control the aircraft based on lack of visual feedback. Obviously bad in a dogfight where you're making frequent turns over the same terrain.