Thanks for the comments! Willi: yeah, some of these planes are not WWI..but are low-and-slow i guess. The Lublin RXIII in the last pic is also post WWI...some 15 years later i think.
About the sceneries:
Weather: Active Sky v6.5 (this is a very old version; i heard the new one is much better, but i don't own it....if it ain't broke....). As for the settings, crank it to the max. I think i have only 1,000 feet min cloud separation, 10 cloud layers, 20,000 max cloud height, vis is 59 miles, and overcast enhancement turned on.
Clouds, Water, and Sky color: FS Elemental (really really nice add-on). Website is:
Ground: FSGenesis global Mesh (best money i've every spent for FS9). Very old FranceVFR scenery, and UT Europe.
Trees: TreeGen
FX: Russian Bloom Plugin (I love this plugin! I also use it on GTR2 and some other older DirectX games)
Environment Map: BananaBob's environment 2. This .BMP file will make your chrome and reflective stuff come to life. Also using his Props...