Someone needs to make the F-22 Raptor

Its the,"Too Fast,Too Furious" Generation. After playing everything from afterburner to PS2 "Ace Combat",I got tired of jets because of the lack of character. Kind of like todays cars,they just lack the unique character of styling and art of the old-days.

The era then was really something about pride,honor and integrity. Not just as individuals,but as the greatest people on earth that stopped evil in its tracks. It showed in what we made.

...also, flying a prop was something of an "art" in itself.That wasnt computers,that was skill!
When the jet bug gets me, I go and play Lomac or Thirdwire's SFG or WOE. Like cfs2, there is not much you can have in the way of smart-bombs or guided or heat-seeking missiles etc. It's just not built in to the game.

Anyone play the Tornado add-on?
Wyld I must congragulate you on your character!

He's absolutely right. even today the fighters of this era lack uniqueness and creativity. Everyone should remember in the Cold War, the U.S. and the U.S.S.R frantically developed newer, faster and more deadlier combat aircraft only for the purpose of beating one another. The Russian designs like the MIG -21, MIG-23, Mig-29 etc. are tough, but aren't as seamless as Western designs like the F-16 or F-18. Most of their parts were welded on crudely.

Back in WW2, it seemed as if designers put more thought into what they wanted in an aircraft. The Germans by far amazed me. To get a working Jet aircraft into service in 1941? Come on, only the Brits seemed to be able to catch up. The Americans Didn't even believe a plane could fly without a prop!

I could go on further, but the webpage won't permit it. Wyld good show! To all the designers: Excellent work! I love taking up a P-51 or Fw190 in the sim. Even if I just fly, it really reminds you of an era where Men were Men, Masters of their machines.
FSX and FS2004 have a lot of modern jet fighters already. I think the best possibility of getting anymore CFS3 jet fighters would be to get one of those converted rather than hoping for someone to make a new one from scratch. That is still a lot of work so best of luck finding someone who wants to do it.

The sim's limitations not only for weapons but flight characteristics and instrumentation make jets other than Korean War era not worth the effort.
The FM on my Lago Sim F-16 is pretty good after several modifications. Mine flys fairly close to the F-16 in Falcon 4.0. but it was horrible right out of the box. Guided missiles are one of the major missing functions of modern jets in CFS3. I can live with out that and I just enjoy the dog fighting with jets. I don't recall the modeller but someone who made one of the best mig-29s for fs2004 gave me permission to convert it to CFS3. All he wanted was a copy and due credit for any releases. I am not a modeller so naturally I was trying to recruit someone but obviously didn't find anyone. I can still get the source files if someone interested.
Funny, I was thinking of this kind of thing lately too. I guess it's because I heard on a program that the F-22 will probably be the last manned fighter ever built in the US. That's OK. We've all got thousands of hours in sims so if it ever really heats up we can reenlist. ;) I might just have to get SFG becasue LOMAC is just limited for western aircraft and ther's not a lot you can dogfight with. Oleg should open up those ships like the F-16, or, should SFG and AvH start building drones? A Raptor there would be cool too.
Don't give up yet Lewis. I would not pass on the chance to be a drone pilot. And what happens when the grid gets hacked?

Get LOMAC if u want the more modern stuff, F-22 by NovaLogic if u still want your f-22's. that's my two cents.
And Total Air War for more f22 action!! I've still got 2 of the Novalogic games on my drive. F22 Lightning and F16 Multi-role fighter. :engel016: