Something Completely Different-SectionF8 Sabre


Charter Member
OK - I know I am pushing the boundaries - but despite a sick machine I cannot resist tinkering with this girl.

I have had this Fantasy Tiger Livery brewing for quiet a while but now close to finished - close enough for some screenshots anyway. Daggy JPG images from the neighbours machine - but good enough to give you the gist of what it is looking like.

She should be available on my site ( in a couple of hours.:wavey:
OK - the Tiger and a couple of others are now available on my site - That makes 30 downloads available for this aircraft now. Could/would/should have been more but each takes a couple of days to do - what with frequent lock ups and resets and having to use only PSP5 and DXTBMP then run next door to check the liveries in FS2004 and then back again to my place to tweak the errors.

Got a very tolerant neighbour - will have to marry her if I keep up these frequent visits :wiggle:

Anyway pop on over to my site - hit the Catalogue button - then scroll down to the F86 SectionF8 page and away you go...... download to your hearts content - all there for your flying pleasure.
