Something has changed at ROF



I was perusing the ROF website after reading the OBD interview at Wings of Glory. I highly recommend reading it by the way. But I was looking at the screenshots and videos at ROF and it may just be me but it looks like somebody made a mistake. Everything looks cartoonish. Or maybe they're just too bright and shimmery, but the detail is there and the images are superb. They just don't look realistic. Maybe if they just weren't so bright and shiny? The shimmer of the water and the grass do look great, but I'm sorry, to me it's a waste of resources when you won't see them unless you're on the ground, and how much time is spent on the ground in a flight simulator?

I watched the videos, and the training and all is nice to have, but they look like they took a few steps backwards almost to Wing Commander.

I'm not here to knock ROF, I was excited to see their offering and perhaps add it to my collection, but they took themselves out of the running in my view. It seems to me, they were much better before and something's changed. Take a look and see if you agree or disagree if you so desire, but I think they made a change in their approach and are appealing to a different audience. Perhaps it's the Xbox assimilation. To my eyes, they definitley look different.
Oops, I think you mean Wings of Honour? :)

Anyhow, that's valid criticism. Maybe the colors are too bright or something? It's that thing that gives away CG in movies, which look sometimes even better and more detailed and vibrant than in real life!

You are certainly correct about the attention to ground detail, they are definitely spending much more time on it than any flight sim developer has. They've said in interviews that they're trying to pave the way for a new type of game - a type of hardcore historical game in which they're also trying to appeal to everyone. So simply speaking they don't think of themselves as making a "flight sim" so much as a "historical game", which is something a bit more experimental.

But there is definitely a push to make the game available to a wider audience, outside of just flight simmers. However that being said, it's still at its core a flight sim. It's just a different kind of flight sim, so we'll just have to wait and see what it's all about I guess!
Sorry about that, thanks for the correction. In truth, it looks like they could be making the basis for a sim that encompasses the ground and sea aspects of the war as well which would be VERY interesting. Did they abandon the eastern front? The web site mentioned only action of the western front. That would be a pity as that was one of the big draws for me. If so, another window of expansion opens for OBD.
BTW, in light of some of the flak you've taken here, I believe it was Wings of Honour where I first learned of OFF before P1 came out or close to it, while I was watching for Birds of Prey developement.
Way back in their early developments as KOTS, I sent them a syllabus I had written for an earlier non-starter WWI sim wherein I suggested that the object of the game was the success or failure of the two-seaters, photo recon and artillery, and later ground attack. Fighters were there primarily to stop the other guy's 2 seaters. Though all fighter kills should also tally. (My inspiration was the old MB boardgame Broadsides where the red fleet had to sink the 4 merchant ships and the blue defend them.) OFF may have a copy of this as well, I gave it out freely to anyone thinking of WWI sim.

If the two seaters got on, limited local reward would happen, an artillerie barrage on the photographed target or some other limited gain. I had also outlined an idea to have the infantry 'phone in' to a local drome to call in sited EA approaching.

The overall theme was to show what role the air war played and how it was important on a tactical basis.

These ideas should also be do-able in the MP game as well.

Hope this is what they are doing!
Without reading too far into the information posted on their website.... it's right here directly from

«Rise of Flight» - combat flight simulator of the new generation.

The game world is the world of the military Europe of 1917—1918.

Game represents 2 parts of the conflict, namely Germany and the USA. One of the most important parts of this conflict was the war for air domination.

For obvious reasons, I can't say much. But that's what they are suggesting RoF will be. The scenery is devine, especially the shots of the rivers blending into the shoreline. That looks awesome.

We wish them the best!

Fransvalli- I'm "embarrassed" to say that I had not yet visited your website. Thanks for the link..great site!

BTW ... Franksvalli

The boys are expecting to see a nicey-nicey review of OFF on your site you know. ;)

Honestly, I can't wait to see what you have to say about P3. Make us proud.

OvS - no worries, glad you found it :)

OvS - Haha, I'll do what I can. I'm anxious here since I keep looking over at the open box. My work has been really demanding this whole weekend and I haven't had the pleasure of installing and playing yet. I know this will drive some people mad, since they have the free time but haven't received their shipment!