Something new in the skies!

Hey Falcon...It looks fairly nice..

They do say that it also works with the FS9 and FSX engine...

So although the engines are not that great , it will display much better weather themes it looks like....

If they sell this at Flight1 (I think I saw it there) then if you do not like it they have no problem refunding your money..I have done it several times and they are very understanding and fast to refund you... A great company they are even if I on ocassion have some wrapper trouble....LOL
As this is in effect direct competition to FE and FEX I very much doubt that you'll see it over at Flight1.

As always, users must try it out for themselves and decide which of the alternatives pleases the most. The only real difference is that if you don't like FE or FEX you can get a refund, wheras for the three sites listed for Ultimate Weather FX, the purchase is non-refundable.

Has anyone actually used Ultimate Weather FX in FS9 yet? I've been wondering whether or not to get it. How does it compare to something like Flight Environment?
The link in the first post only shows a message from FBI´s computer crime department. Don´t click on it!!!
The link in the first post only shows a message from FBI´s computer crime department. Don´t click on it!!!
what the hell does that mean ?

is this a real message from the fbi or fake by hackers ?
when I go to simmarket and click on the zinertek link and then go that product that message doesnt come !
thats strange since it apears that it is the same link as posted above
could it be that a hacker manipulated that link above ?

It's a fake. Try and click on the only link given and you'll see. That and, the FBI usually doesn't give you warnings. If they think you are a bad fellow, they come and get you. :monkies:
It's a fake. Try and click on the only link given and you'll see. That and, the FBI usually doesn't give you warnings. If they think you are a bad fellow, they come and get you.
Also, the original post I made was about 7 months ago. . plenty of time for almost anything to happen. At the time, it was a legitimate link.
Well, something terrible has happened at Avsim, and even SOH got hacked the other day.

Who are these sad tossers? Can't they do anything worthwhile with their computer skills? :censored:

Let's hope Avsim, God bless them, can make a full recovery! :icon_lol:
At any rate I looked at Ultimate Weather FX. Looks very much like Flight Environment that is sold by Flight 1. Cloud and sky textures and a few other things like lightning. No water textures though. They say it's compatible with Active Sky. AS or whatever is the weather engine and UWFX provides the textures.
:kilroy:Plus and never forget, the FBI only have legitimacy within the borders of the USA.
.......................... allegedly! :kilroy: