something odd


Charter Member
I was trying a few missions in MAW and came accross this in MAW Eastern Front--I16 HH 002 wich uses airbase Lib014 (Sirte in Libya)

in the mission
in QC
this is true for all the missions using Lib014 as the airbase: HH001, HH003, HH004 and HH005.:dizzy:

How can this be corrected?


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I usually have that happen when I've selected a load-out for the player aircraft that is actually not available. I know it's not the reaction you would expect from the UI to a missing weapon, but for me that is probably the cause.
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I usually have that happen when I've selected a load-out for the aircraft that is actually not available. I know it's not the reaction you would expect from the UI to a mission weapon, but that is the cause.

that s interesting - I'd always fingered changes to scenery settings - trying new scenery and texture budgets, and texture settings in cfs config. Never thought to check loadouts!
Had a look at the players loaout its : clean
Could it be the animation when the mission starts?

Have you tried this mission:"MAW Eastern Front--I16 HH 002" ?


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Aside from the missing texture, those look like completely different locations. When you pull up the map, does it show you in different places?
GOSD, i will check this in my MAW set up and let ya know what I find.
If i messed up the mission I can correct it for all.
:applause: :applause: :applause:
Daniel, looks like your missing ( airbase_dual_3 ) facility files..

I checked this in my MAW set up and get this.
I will send you the facility files to reload this to correct this.

The mission calls for ( airbase_dual_3 ) facility to be used.
I had to place several airbases by hand in the Eastern front missions, since there were no airbases in this area in MAW
I will send this Via E-mail


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Owen, I must be missing a .dds file or something because even replacing the airbase_dual_3.xml file you sent me I still get a faulty airbase.:banghead:
Here is what I get:
If I use the file you sent me

the same file but I added a suffix: airbase_dual_3A

can't seem to get the same runway texture as yours.
and I have another file called: airbase_dual_3dirt

notice on the left side the control tower the white one is G_controltower,
the one with the church tower is dr_afr_controltower0


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