Sometimes FS makes you go wow....


Charter Member
Had to share these....All FS9......:jump:

I had one of those moments yesterday. I was flying Brian Gladden's Cessna 140 Float plane around Alaska, going over some mountains, and the scenery was just amazing. The sun was sitting over the peaks, the sky color was just right. Rhumbafloppy's new world mesh had the terrain looking very very good. I took about a dozen screen shots, but can not attach them.

I had one of those moments yesterday. I was flying Brian Gladden's Cessna 140 Float plane around Alaska, going over some mountains, and the scenery was just amazing. The sun was sitting over the peaks, the sky color was just right. Rhumbafloppy's new world mesh had the terrain looking very very good. I took about a dozen screen shots, but can not attach them.


I'm glad to see someone enjoying somthing I made nearly seven years ago!

The 140 was only the second plane I made with a real VC and the first with windows cut out by hand rather than square one's made by manipulation polys (Norseman)

I'm glad to see someone enjoying somthing I made nearly seven years ago!

The 140 was only the second plane I made with a real VC and the first with windows cut out by hand rather than square one's made by manipulation polys (Norseman)



I am enjoying every single one of your planes that I have downloaded. I haven't gotten them all yet, but will! I have to spend some time with the ones I already have before I distract myself with the rest.

Although the Cessna 140 is 7 years old, it is brand new to me since I just got FS2004 for Christmas this last year. Prior to that I had CFS2 for 2 or 3 years, prior to that I had CFS3 for 3 years but could never get it to run right and feel like anything but an arcade game.

nice shots, heres a couple from me that gave me the same "wow" effect, taken last night testing the Agusta 109 repaint of the chopper from the TV Show 'Ultimate Force'



hope you all enjoy looking at them as much as i do :applause:
Thanks! I use Active Sky for clouds and sky and weather. GePro for the ground. Clouds are the 512x512 textures, and 100 3d clouds. In AS I do not limit the layers, I extend the T-storm limits, favor cumlulos vs stratus, and force lowest ceiling.
nice! i use a mix of real environment pro, and a fair few other add-ons/ins... and just to add that night time touch i also use Shockwaves 3D Lights Redux just makes it that much nicer :jump:
Those moments are great aren't they?
You'll just be cruising along, and suddenly, Wham!
You get it when you're physically out in nature, it's amazing you can get it on a 2d electronic collection of pixels.
AS must be the only addon I don't have, the screens are so consistently good it really looks like a must-have.
Does it co-exist with GE Pro?
not even i have AS, mine are from a file i've now forgotten the name of :kilroy: will get digging.... yeah AS worth getting just on the basis of textures etc...?
I have to admit, I've had a few of those moments using AS and REPro, they really are wow moments. This is what I love about FS2004...despite the built-in wow factor of FSX, the old sim has a lot of life left in it. Thanks for posting.

Here are a few that I enjoyed (Shockwave 3d lights here too):


