Sorry Herr Olham, I couldn't resist!

Mein GOTT!!!

Oooooo!! Man, he could have used a fire extinguisher!!

Nice shots, wrong plane burning, but nice shots.

What settings do u have on the Graphics???...Them screenshots are beautiful...
Captain Cameljockey

Vee are not amuzed, to see der beautiful Albatros destroyed vizz der Triplane. Ant vee vant to make clear, zatt zis German pilot vass none of der aces vee have. Getting shot up by a crumpet vizz der Tripe - tch!!!
You would not have done zatt vizz OvS, or der Butcher of Lieu-St.Amand, or me in ze cockpit - zen it would have been you goink down in flames!
Ant for der German pilot - I would toast him for ziss, but you vere quicker zere.
For der Triplane I say, zatt ssree ironing-bords joint togezzer vizz broomsticks, do NOT make der Dreidecker, mein Herr.
Be careful, be verry careful ze next time you cross our lines vizz zis scarecrow - I vill concentrate on Tripelanez for the next weeks!

Yours sinisterly - Baron von Mahlo
Please forgive me Herr Olham, Herr Stachel! I vas not myzelf! "Oh bloody hell, Joe old pal, just tell them the truth!" "He he, zat vas not me mein Herr, it vas my alter ego Captain Studebaker Hawk of the RFC." "No, you're the bloody alter ego Mr. Fogleberg, or whatever your name is!" "Ze next time ve meet is ze sky, I vill zhoot you down, Herr Hawk!"
Olham and OvS just shake their heads as von Feuervogel walks away, arguing with himself. Ah, the fortunes of war.

Olham and OvS just shake their heads as von Feuervogel walks away, arguing with himself.

[OvS leans over to Herr Oldham and whispers....]

Hmmm.... you know, I zink itz about time vee had Herr Camel zhot? Jah?
Herr Von Stachel
After conssidderink ze question, I came too ze conclusion, zatt
vee don't need to hunt him down.
Leutnant Feuervogel/Capt. Hawk have definitely problemz alone vizz zemselffs.
An obvious case of shizzophrenia - zey fight zeir own war, in ze same cockpit even!
So we could just vait - ven Capt. Hawk wins - vee can still shoot him down.
Ant ven itz Leutnant Feuervogel, vee can sure use him - he is definitely a shizzo - but also seems a verrry good pilot, yes?

Baron vom Mahlo
Olham- first Rick Rawlings shows your favorite craft surrounded by Tripes. Then cameljockey show the complete disintegration of your favorite. Aren't you getting a little paranoid? I knew that this was a tough crowd but you seem to be everyone's favorite target! I'm beginning to feel a little sorry for the dark side. You and OVS could use some reinforcements...
Ha!....Exactly what I plan to do with Jester 12! (if only they would stay still long enough!):wiggle:
No problem - CAMEL shot up some Tripes, to make it good again. And that wasn't MY plane above. He wouldn't have got even near that to my Alb.

Yes, WIDOW, may take a while to improve your shooting abilities, eyh?
Hope, the war's not over by then. I'm really tempted to join Jasta 12...
Herr Olham! After much zoul zearching (and a ludicrous amount of ze schnapps) I haf purged my being of ze evil alter ego Captain Studebaker Hawk! I plaze myzelf at the zervice of ze Fazzerland.

Oberleutnant Josef von Feuervogel (and friends)
"Zatts a good decision, Oberleutnant Feuervogel!
Otto von Stachel and I can use every brave man and outstanding pilot.
Vee may not vin ze var, but will have much more fun zan ze Allies.
Tent parties, illuminated by artillery explosionz; vine, Schnaps, and cigarettez; beautiful coloured planez; ant: twin gunz are standard vizz us!
For ze Kaizer ant ze Fazzerland. Salut!"

Baron von Stachel and Baron von Mahlo go to a corner and talk about the new pilot, while the Oberleutnant helps himself to another glass of Schnaps.
After a while, a "thud" is heard. As the two Barons turn round, Oberleutnant Feuervogel lies flat on the floor - his glass held straight; nothing spilled.

Baron von Mahlo: "I vill say ziss for him: he can certainly hold his liquour!"
Baron von Stachel: "A man viss a natural feelink for balance - vee give him der Eindecker."