'Sound' facilities for Fighter Command transmissions


NachtPiloten and I have long been thinking about 'sound' (flak vehicles) facilities for use by the Nachtjagd in directing NJ fighters to bomber streams; so far without anything happening. With my (continuing :banghead:) development of 'morse' ILS and knickebein facilities, I know 'sound' flak can be made, so in areas where any of sdsbolt's app would not be effective, perhaps such facilities could be added to missions to direct RAF fighters during BoB. My problem would be a source for the voices. Anyone who could help with that aspect please PM or email me. Any other ideas are of course welcome!:jump:
There is/was a British Speech pack for European Air War (the stock Controller and pilot comms were pretty good for the day), permission to borrow may be obtainable if it can be tracked down. Click item 9 on the table of contents here, although the link in the short description is broken: http://www.combatsim.com/products/eaw/eaw-addons.htm#9

The actual pack may be one of the ones listed here as 'British Speech Pack' and its update, about 3/4 of the way down this page:


Just noticed all the links there are broken too, but if you post on an active EAW forum like the one at SimHQ, help may be forthcoming.

PS just found this more recent site with a fuller description of the British speech pack for EAW (scroll down about 1/2 way to 'Plane radio sounds':


The link to all the files in the 'Plane radio sounds' section is under that title labelled 'Related download links - sounds-plane-radio'not with each item listed. That link works and is to a mediafire listing of all the various sound files. This is the link to the 9.58 meg British Speech Pack/Pak, and it seems to be working:

Hi James, under CFS3 Other is Charlie's DC Diary 1940 package in three parts. In the sound files are IIRC a lot of specific calls "there goes me engine .wav" "I've got an aileron problem.wav", etc which could be keyed into some effects. There might be something useful in there.
Thanks to both of you; so I will check all your ideas out and see what I could use for Fighter Control. In due course they might be of some use for Luftwaffe Nachtjagd Control as well.:applause: