Sound Help Needed


Charter Member 2011
Would appreciate some advice on how to accomplish a project I am working on, since I retired I am able to spend more time playing around with stuff.

I want to add the following to ETO and already have the sound files.

1. A working radio playing music at pilots dispersal area or news broadcast on loop.
2. Tower chatter as you approach the airfield. Similar to the siren sound you hear in OFF when you approach an enemy airfield.
3. Destroyer battle stations klaxon when their AA guns start to fire (linked effect).
4. Sharpnel sound hitting aircraft when flak explodes within certain radius of aircraft. Would sound like pebbles on a tin roof.
5. Dive alarm on submarine linked to AA gun.

I understand how the sond files work. For example in the flak effect is includes "snd_flak" to give you the exploding flak sound in the group effect.

I have created new snd_dive_alarm, snd_Destroyer_klaxon, snd_tower and snd_radio effects but have been unable to get them to work.

Anyone have any ideas on this?

thanks very Much,


I'm not 100% on this but i think you may need to add the sound effect to the facility and then somehow in the effect xml give it a min distance before it triggers. I had something like that working once before ages ago that i got from someone and i think it worked on this principle.

I'm so busy at work these days otherwise i'd spend some time and try and find it for you, i'll see what i can do.
Sounds cool 0-1. I think the facility linked effect should work. Check with the OFF guys for pointers. Glad someone has time around here. I've had my fair share of cr#p to deal with at work this week and it ain't over yet.

For 0-1: [radio crackle] "I can see your smoke... Beginning attack run... read...pickle...NOW!"

it would also be nice if you could hear "Himmel, ze tommies ar right on top of us!", "Achtung, Schpitfeuer!" etc as radio background..:costumes:
steve ill hook up with to talk to you about this some i did a custom sound for the boys opf 60th in honor of flyby where as we were on the airfiled you would hear bagpipes playing that would get louder or more quiet depending on the distance