Sound of Cluster Bombs


Charter Member
Hi Fighters,

have a problem with the sound of cluster bombs!

In my sound folder I have 3 sound files for clusters (01,02,03) but I cannot hear the explosions.
In the sound .xml I cannot find a line for clusters. Is there something wrong? All is original from ETO 1.4

There is no sound for several of the cluster bombs i.e. the ones named: g_ab70, g_ab250, g_ab500 etc. There are already cluster bomb wave files which some of you probably have so you just need to fix the effects.xml and the sounds.xml. Here is what you need to add.
First make back up copies of your effects.xml and sounds.xml files and move to a safe folder. Then open the effects.xml file and locate the lines of text that are in red below. Add the lines in blue to each column to read exactly as these lines of text read. Next copy and paste the text in green below into your effects.xml

Now you need to add the orange lines of text to your sounds.xml but you need to put these in a specific place. Locate the text in the sounds.xml that matches the brown text below and add the orange lines just below that.

Now place these .xml files into the CFS3 main game folder, overwriting the old files and your sound should work. If it does not, try deleting the .bdp file from each one of the cluster bomb folders.


<fx_cluster_l ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="G_cluster_spread1_SG" Effect1="G_cluster_spread2_SG" Effect2="G_cluster_spread3_SG" Effect3="G_cluster_spread4_SG" Effect4="G_cluster_shock1_SG" Effect5="G_cluster_shock2_SG" Effect6="G_cluster_smoke_flames_1_SG" Effect7="Shockwave_cluster_0i" Effect8="snd_Expl_Land_C3"/>

<fx_cluster_m ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="G_cluster_spread1_SG" Effect1="G_cluster_spread2_SG" Effect2="G_cluster_spread3_SG" Effect3="G_cluster_shock1_SG" Effect4="G_cluster_smoke_flames_1_SG" Effect5="Shockwave_cluster_0i" Effect6="snd_Expl_Land_C2"/>

<fx_cluster_s ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="G_cluster_spread1_SG" Effect1="G_cluster_spread2_SG" Effect2="G_cluster_shock1_SG" Effect3="G_Smoke_drifting5_cluster_1" Effect4="snd_Expl_Land_C1"/>

<snd_Expl_Land_C1 ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="explosion/land/cluster1" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="5000" Volume="80" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_Expl_Land_C2 ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="explosion/land/cluster2" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="5000" Volume="90" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>
<snd_Expl_Land_C3 ClassName="SoundEffect" Sound="explosion/land/cluster3" InitialDelay="0.0" MinDistance="1" MaxDistance="5000" Volume="100" Loop="0" OneShot="1"/>


<explosion Random="Yes" MinDistance="400" No3d="Yes" Looping="No" Static="Yes" Class="Explosion">
<sound file="clusterbomb01.wav"/>
<sound file="clusterbomb02.wav"/>
<sound file="clusterbomb03.wav"/>