Sound package for Aeronca C3 and K


Retired SOH Admin
I am uploading a brand new, mostly from scratch sound package representing the Aeronca E-113 2-cylinder engine. This engine was used on the Aeronca C and K. We have a Aeronca C-3 courtesy of Paul Clawson and a K courtesy of Steven Myers. The engine sounds in this new package were extracted from videos I found on line of Aeronca Cs being started, taxiing, doing fly bys and shutting down....this is as close to real life sound as one can get without actually recording at an airport.

Good Dog OBIO! The 'ol Aeronca K with GW3, new cloud textures, AND new sounds!!!. The "print sound" key wasn't working. What a treat not to hear the "popping in a tube" sound. Thank you.

ps. By the sound it it, you didn't need dual ignition back then.


It's funny that you should mention the C3. I have had the old gal pulled into the mechanic's shed the last few days, giving her a total rebuild and getting her ready for many more hours of flight time.

I have taken the MDL into Martin Wright's MDLmaterial and given it a nice specular GLOSS. I set the specular shine at 80, 80, 80 but set the specularity at 200...the result is a glossiness that is not over powering but that has a velvety depth to the plane is painted with a high quality paint and then given a coat or two of a good UV-resistant varnish.

I have reworked the ribbing, shading and high lights on the wings and tail surfaces. Still need to do more work on the tail surfaces to get teh ribbing to look better. Fuselage lines have been redone.

Will continue working on the C3 until she is air show ready.

That looks good. Me thinks the C-3 is due for an upgrade sometime in the next year. I now have better pics of the cockpit.
For what it's worth the C-3 is one of the first airplanes I remember ever having seen. My Dad took me to the airport in Dubuque, Iowa in 1938 (I was 6) to see a Ford Trimotor that a barnstromer had flown in for a later air show. There was a C-3 at the airport. I fell in love with it because it was low enough for a 6 year old to see inside.


If you do an updated version of the C3, PLEASE PLEASE remember us FS9ers who love this plane and do a version for us. The C3 is such a neat little plane to fly low and slow in...those huge openings in the side of the plane make it great for looking around at the world below and enjoying all the Golden Wings 3 has to offer.

I am attempting to make a new prop wash texture for the C3, using Cazzie's prop making tutorial he posted in a thread a while back. My first attempt was better than the stock prop blur but still a bit short of what I want it to be...but not bad for my first attempt. Will do it again and hopefully it will come out better.

I enjoy the C3. Being simplistic for the era, there's a lot of history. If updated, I'd also like to see it for FS2004.:ernae:
Hey guys,
I used to have the "K" installed a while back but for some reason I uninstalled it. Now with the new sound file to try out I reinstalled it.
Here's the problem: I don't have any gauges in the VC. I seem to recall this problem the last time I installed it and there was a fix for it. Just don't remember what it was? It may have been adding gauges from another plane but I can't remember.
Can one of you fine gentleman help me out here?

yeah, you need the CAB files from the following default aircraft, and put them in the panel folders, or in the Root Gauges folder. I have mine in the Aeronca K panel folders.

Just add them to the rest of the panel folders too


, the sounds are GREAT!!!
Thank you so much for your work on this.
As stated earlier in this thread, it really breathes new life into this plane.
That probably was the reason I uninstalled it before. Now it's a keeper.

I know I've said this before but for those that don't know, my Dad learned to fly in a "K" on skies back in the early 40's. With this new sound pack it makes me think I might now know what that was like for Dad way back then.
I just wish he was around so I could let him try it out.

I just wish he was around so I could let him try it out.


I often think the same thing about my dad. He wasn't a pilot (he was a Marine, a grunt) but he loved aircraft...especially WW2 war birds and bombers. He bought me my first flight sim back in 84, and we flew that thing for HOURS every week. I often think about how Dad would react to CFS2, FS2004...with their 3D planes, 3D worlds, superb details, working bombs and guns.

Glad the new sound pack is finding good use and that it helps you connect in some small way to the memory and legacy of your Dad.
