Sounds as vehicles/guns anf facilities


After seeing an earlier post WRT spawn sounds, I thought i would look at the MAW 'siren' and see what's up. Now in MAW, it's not anywhere as a facility in its own right, but part or airfields or whatever. So I decided to make a facility of just the siren which was like this

<Facility Type="siren" Flags="isMilitary" OuterDistance="20000">
<Unit Type="siren" Position="0.00 0.00" Angle="0.00"/>

I checked it out both in MAW and my ETO (with relevant MAW files added} in test missions where I just had a German aircraft flying over several of the siren.xml facility at different heights. I turned off the engine sound as well just in case it masked the siren. However I heard nothing in either MAW or ETO.

Now I checked test missions with a couple of other facilities such as 105mm_star_shell (nothing!} and tow_searchlight_1, which showed up fine.

If I had just checked with ETO and not MAW, I could have thought I made an error in copying files but with no sound effect in MAW, I am wondering what goes with sound files? I am assuming one doesn't have to make spawn files if one can place facilities (taht work!!) in missions?

EDIT: I dikdn't mess with the sounds.xml which maybe I should have! How I'm not sure though.
Any ideas as I already have made sound wav files for a knickebein and x-gerat! ... and --- and -.-.-. :wiggle:
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Off hand, I'd suggest looking in the SDKs. One thing could be the Facility Type="siren".....Is "siren" one of the allowed types?
I'm not sure one needs a specific name for <Facility Type= but one might for <Facility Type=, as I note many facilities in my folder basically relate to the name of the facility as file AAF_Binbrook-1943_airbase.xml is
<Facility Type="RAF Binbrook 4 Group BC" Flags="isAirbase" I sort of think what might be more important is the entry in the sounds.xml. Now looking at the ETO sounds.xml for what might be relevant, I see 2 possibilities

1. As i don't understand the structure of this file I'm not sure how much is relevant and even to what facility or in game action this is relevant to.:dizzy:

<gun MinDistance="25" Looping="Yes" No3D="Yes" Relative="Yes" Class="Gun" Stereo="No">
<ALERTsiren INTERNALONLY="NO" looping="no" atten="7" >
<sound file="AIRRAID.WAV" MinDistance="900" Maxdistance="2300" INTERNALONLY="NO" looping="no" atten="7" />
<sound file="x50gun_01.wav"/>
<sound file="x50gun_01.wav" FileInt="50gun_01.wav" Stereo="Yes"/>

2. And then there is this which also I am not sure of how and to what it relates; part of a facility

<!--CAS Air Raid Siren-->
<sound MinDistance="200" Atten="1" Looping="No" file="air_raid.wav" fileInt="air_raid.wav"/>

I should also note that the vehicles and associated siren_gun xdp refers to SoundName="siren" when in fact siren.wav is the Stuka sound while the air raid or warning one is air_raid.wav ?:dizzy:

So, given I have made the siren facility file, I am still at a loss as to why no sound and how to fix the problem.
Hi James,

I'm catching up on the interesting threads while I've been away. Looks like the air raid siren is created by a gun.

Every gun xdp has a SoundName entry. The .wav file is called into play in the sounds.xml under the guns section. You have shown the relevant entry used in a sounds.xml file.

So you need to make a siren gun with an associate weapons file. The sound gun needs to be type=Flakgun. Then add the siren gun to a siren vehicle, where you can address relevant parameters in the gunstations section.

Then add the siren vehicle overwriting one of the AA gun positions in the relevant airbase facility file.

Make sure you have the right WAV file, and appropriate entry in the sounds.xml, and Bob's yer uncle.

Then when an enemy aircraft is within range of the airbase, instead of hearing "bang" you will hear the airraid.wav sound. You can play around with the various parameters like range, and the number of rounds.

I hope to look at how MAW does it in a day or two when I get the chance.
What I'm looking for is an aircraft to hear sounds from a 'friendly' gun when it passes over at even 20K'. I'm just using a pre existing vehicles/weapons/guns item to see if I can get that effect and then apply it to Morse code.
I have succeeded in making a knickebeam audio facility!:jump:. I am not 100% sure how WRT to some aspects of the sounds.xml entry and the *gun.xdp entries but I will investigate further and report back!:wiggle: