Sounds.xml question


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've been trying to copy over the WOFF Lewis gun sounds.

I managed to place them in my sounds.xml file as shown, but I've still got no Lewis gun sounds inside and outside the plane.

Is there any other place that I'm supposed to copy the sound name over to so I've got the Lewis gun sounds?

Here's the sounds.xml entry:
<sound file="off_xgun_lewis.wav" FileInt="off_gun_lewis.wav" Looping="Yes" Stereo="yes"/>

I've had this problem with multiple guns/weapon sounds.

Any help is greatly appreciated!


Hi Chris

Have you placed the relevant weapon file into your weapons folder and the corrisponding gun file into your guns folder. You then need to edit the aircraft gun station to call on the new gun file in each aircrafts xdp file.

And obviously the sound into the sound folder

HTH regards Rob.
Thanks Rob,

Sometimes the most simple things seem to evade my mind :icon_lol:

I knew I was forgetting something, but was just a matter of what!

Thanks again,


PS. Love the new Spitfire!