Sounds.xml question


Charter Member
Hi all,

I've been learning more about xml modification in my computer science class.

I'm just curious as to what the following lines about the radio chatter mod mean?

Specifically the common\null.wav?

These are the lines in question. I understand the <sound file="British\shootdown03r.wav"/> is calling for the shootdown03r.wav sound
but no idea what the <sound file="Common\NULL.WAV"/> is calling for.

Does anyone know?


It calls for nothing. I added those lines to reduce the frequency of chatter sound events. In a big dogfight there was just too much chatter going on, so I added the null lines to silence some of those events and bring the chatter down to a more realistic level.
Thanks, Daniel.

One more question, if I wanted to create a sound effect for radar reporting bandits, how would I go about it?

I'm thinking of creating a facility than linking the effect file that way.

Similar to the b_takeoff and b_landing files in the radio chatter mod.
At the moment, that's my best answer as well. You may be able to further refine it by having the facility (or vehicle) be triggered by a spawn. I'm not sure if there are helpful possibilities there or not; it's been a while since I last looked into it.
I've been playing around with this and its possible to create facility files with the chatter effect linked.

The biggest problem that I've encountered is having the effect play at a high altitude. One solution I've come up with is to create a file similar to an anti-aircraft gun with the effect linked. Similar to the b_takeoff and landing files in the vehicle folder.