Source for adding the "head latency" effect to FS9


Now that Active Camera is no longer available due to the shut down of Anticyclone, is there a chance anyone can offer a similar head latency effect for FS9? Head latency is the effect of gravity on the pilot and passengers in an aircraft changes attitude. The human body tends to trail the force of attitude changes in flight. Duplicating the latency makes simulated flight much more realistic. Active Camera offered this effect as part of their package, but the product seems to no longer be available and some existing users say that it no longer fully works even in payware versions.
There is a BN Islander model out there that the creator thoughtfully incorporated latency into the panel view. Don't know how it compared to AS.
Now that Active Camera is no longer available due to the shut down of Anticyclone, is there a chance anyone can offer a similar head latency effect for FS9? Head latency is the effect of gravity on the pilot and passengers in an aircraft changes attitude. The human body tends to trail the force of attitude changes in flight. Duplicating the latency makes simulated flight much more realistic. Active Camera offered this effect as part of their package, but the product seems to no longer be available and some existing users say that it no longer fully works even in payware versions.

Freware FS Copilot has this too:
This version is current: but German documentation.
No , check it again.

Sascha is right.Go to his first link, scroll down to the fscopilot entry , there's the link to the documentation pdf file.
Open that and read point 3.6 "head effect".
Seems to incorporate head latency simulation for virtual cockpit view ,even if only in the lateral axis.
Can't tell you how good this works as I haven't tried it myself so far.

BTW the BN-2 Islander that aeromed mentioned which featured a sort of built-in latency effect, I think it was the
freeware one by Marcel Kuhnt, there is also an english subpage on the german website for it:

Good luck, I hope any of this helps.

Kind regards,

I believe that most of the individual models that include latency do so by essentially mounting the VC structure on virtual reverse-acting springs. Instead of the actual viewpoint lowering, the structure raises. It's been forever since I've flown it, but I seem to remember the French-made C150 including this feature.
Thanks for the replies and additional information. I will work with that and report back on what I learned. I should have added above that my operating system is Win 10, which so far has been very user-friendly with my fs9 installation. We will see.

Was able to install that module (FS Co-pilot) that contains a selectable options for head latency effects. Unfortunately the effect, which works only in the 3-D cockpit mode, is very jerky and also overrides the ability to pan the view while the latency mode is selected.
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