South West Vancouver Island is flat...??

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I realized something is not right with my West coast. For approx. 300 square miles, the mountains have flattened to an elevation of 0. Everything within that space is sharp in focus, and everything outside is blurry. I don't know if it's a rogue flatten file left over, or a DEM boundary. Not sure what it is, I tried several programs to identify the problem file but nothing successful yet. I look forward to your suggestions. I'm looking for a program that would help me identify flattens for that area, or an explanation as to what's happening so I can get on the right path to fix. Thanks.

I came across this on my old install of fs9 this and traced it back to a carrier addon flatten file.Arrcab carriers if i remember correctly.
That's it! Thanks WJ. I had installed the Carrier package to see if the tailhook on the Firefly functioned and forgot about it. There are so many flaws in that scenery, I believe it's a portover from FS2002. Thank you sir, all good on the West coast again!:jump: