Spanish Grizzly


Born to fly...
Hello Ladies & Gents:

Well, I broke open the old airbrush again and have been playing a bit, these are the results so far, as it is a WIP.

Opinions welcome

Saludos :kilroy:
That's looks super Ascua. Unless you blurred the panel lines in final processing of the screenshot, I would sharpen them a touch on your repaint. It may be that your have added a shadow. Any way in the screen shot, they look faded and blurred. Otherwise, I have no complaints.

Please. Would love to fly your repaint. UPLOAD it so we all can download it (smile). Thanks in advance. Great job on the paint!

It has taken me a lot longer than I expected, but real life caught up with me big time and I am not out of the bonnies yet:isadizzy:, but meanwhile, here you have the "Spanish Grizzlies", they have just been uploaded. You have one with Girl nose art, one with sharkmouth and another with Warthog mouth.

Enjoy them!

