Sparkles at airports


Charter Member
I have something weird happening. From a distance airplanes.
light poles, flag poles and lights at airports sparkle. They are
like tiny bright fireflies. when you get close to them they vanish.
It happens all arount the world,especially at complex airports.

Any ideas?
I have tried the lod fix for blurries but no good. It is
not shimmering is the problem but sparkling,multitudes of tiny sparks.
I have tried to take screenshot but they do not show up.

I've seen this sparkly nighttime stuff too, like dozens of closely spaced tiny super bright flashbulbs going off. It seems to be an artifact of DX10 preview's rendering of certain lights at night. If you use the Steve's Fixer program there is a bloom setting that can greatly reduce this effect, though for the time being I don't have access to my FSX computer so I can't tell you the exact bloom setting to adjust. I recall it's obvious when you looking at the available bloom adjustments.
Thanks my friend, when you have access again let me know.
It is a real right royal pain to be honest.
Family guy you have helped me again. Tried your suggestion
with Steve's fix and it reduced sparkles by 65
percent. Unbeliveable.

If you can come up with any other ways to get rid of remaining sparkles
it would be great.

I owe you Twelve pints of Guiness and half a doxen bottles of Jameson.

With Gratitude,Anthin.:jump::applause: