Spartan Executive VC Gauge Hi-Res Update

Milton Shupe

Staff Contributor
Staff member
I awoke early this morning to a request from Thunder100 to upgrade the Spartan Executive VC gauges to high resolution.

So, with nothing pressing at 6AM, I took a serious look at it. I sorted out a way to upgrade just the gauge columns without resorting to a total VC panel redo. End result worked like a charm and doubles the gauge resolution.

I will post the updates here for anyone wishing to try it. Simple installation, 2 folders, one texture update, and easily reversible.

What a difference an early morning Email can make to your day!
Thanks a lot Milton!

I've always liked your Spartan. There's one featured in the opening scenes of the old sci-fi movie "When Worlds Collide" which was a favorite of mine also.
Dear Milton


What a great gift to a so great plane



(For non believers-->Look to a Spartan and the year it was build and then look to the Planes US entered WW2-->nothing else need to be said
It just so happens that I have the little Spartan in one (of many) of my hangars. She's active, but hasn't been flown for a while. This upgrade is just what the doctor ordered. Thanks, Milton.

BTW Thunder100, One of my Spartan variants is painted in US ARMY AIR CORPS colours as a "UC-71". The USAAC did press a number of Spartan Executives into service as transports for Military Officers and other important dignitaries during the Second World War.

It's a known issue if you're running IE11. Try right-clicking the link and choosing Save Target As.
Tried right clicking and Save as target, it says it downloaded it, but I don't know where it ended up. Maybe it can be released as a regular .zip file ?
Didn't know I have something called a IE11, what is it?
EDIT...Found it, but Adobe Reader says it can't open it.
It is a regular zip file. Your IE is changing it I guess.

By default, look in your My Downloads folder in your My Documents folder or whatever the equivalent is.
Tried right clicking and Save as target, it says it downloaded it, but I don't know where it ended up. Maybe it can be released as a regular .zip file ?
Didn't know I have something called a IE11, what is it?
EDIT...Found it, but Adobe Reader says it can't open it.

Well, you are right; Adobe Reader cannot open it.

The file needs to be unzipped or decompressed.
IE11 is Internet Explorer version 11. As far as the file, you may have to change the current file extension to .zip manually. Before you try that, make sure that you're changing the real extension. Go to your control panel and open Folder Options. Click the View tab, and make sure that the box for "Hide extensions for known file types" is unchecked. See attached image.


  • unhide.png
    46.6 KB · Views: 7
Milton, In the new panel folder, I see a cab and folder both named ST_Spartan. Can one be deleted, and if so, which?
Milton, In the new panel folder, I see a cab and folder both named ST_Spartan. Can one be deleted, and if so, which?

Tom, you can delete the folder. It looks like I unpacked it to borrow some gauges for another project and failed to delete the folder. The dates in the folder agree with the .cab file.
The "Hide extensions for known file types" is unchecked.
I managed to change the php file into a .zip file, when I try to open it, it is once again a .php file.

Will see if it is possible to go back to Internet Explorer 10. As with some Nvidia drivers, the lastest version in not always better.
Edit... would there be any reason why I shouldn't go back to IE10?. I don't know if I have been on IE11 since I built this computer about 1 1/2 years ago, or whether the Microsoft updates automatically install the latest version. I have never seen a .php file until yesterday. I Googled "Internet Explorer" and see that I can download IE10 from Microsoft.
Here's an article for rolling back to IE10:

As for Windows updates, I keep mine set to "Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them." If you're not sure how to change that setting, click the Start button and type in Windows Update (or go there via the Control Panel), then look in the left pane. "Change Settings" should be the third link.

Another option would be to simply install Chrome or Firefox as an alternate browser.
Tom mentioned earlier about the redundant folder in the Spartan Updates. This is true.

See the attachment that shows the folder that may be deleted.

If you have not downloaded the Spartan Updates yet, you can get a copy without the redundant folder attached to this message.
Spartan Update

Thank you Milton,

All of your creations are like fine old wines - they just keep improving with age!

For RUDYJO: I went through this loop of being unable to unlock the file I had unloaded, always ending up with a 'php' file. All I do now is click on the shortcut to download the file in question and when asked by my PC: 'download as?' I carefully copy in the original file name and zip extension, click and it downloads to the folder I have designated with the file name and extension I have copied.

Hope it works for you.
