Spawn Question ?


Charter Member
I have a separate install for the Just Flight BoB addon. I have a few other aircraft loaded,but mainly stock game. I don't want Me-262's and the like spawning in the sim at all. How do i stop something like that ? Real green at this.:playful: Thanks for any help. Regards,Scott
One way would be to change the xdps of the Ne 262 or whatever to AllowSpawn="n". There maybe better ways............
Thanks for the info. I figured it out. Remembered from the past.:dizzy: That will work fine i think. Also delete bdp files after changes to the xdp's.
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And you can always change the entered service or left service dates in the xdp file....That is what I do in stock MAW so that annoying aircraft didn't pop up in the wrong place. ETO does that thoroughly for vehicles to. So that a Tiger doesn't show up in Era 1, or a Panzer III show up in Era 4.