Speaking of being rusty.......


Can anybody direct me to a tutorial of how to add AV History aircraft into RS and ETO. I haven't done it in so long I'm afraid I'm going to Fubar my installations....
I added the weapons,guns,and shared files to them then added the aircraft. Have had no problems but make sure you back everything up before you mod. Believe that both ETO and PTO-RS have all the weapons and guns already loaded but added just to be sure. Been a while for me but i think that's what i did. Be sure to back up !! Regards,Scott
Hi Flamingskull, long time no see.

I think all the AVhist A/C have read-me's
on how to install. Which planes were you thinking about?
I very much doubt dropping any of the AvH aircraft into ETO or RS should present any problems, since the AvH weapons and effects are already present. The only problem might be in dropping (say) Italian aircraft into RS or Japanese into ETO, since the nationalities are not part of the relevant expansions. There isn't room to add other nationalities either, iirc, but most of the appropriate AvH aircraft are already present in each.
And don't forget to check the scound.cfg, if the sounds are aliased to a folder that doesn't exist...CTD!:wavey:
Hey Firestorm, long time! Thanks all for the input. Might just be me but some of the cockpits and flight models seem a bit off in RS. Just wanted more AV History AC to choose. Managed to get the Hellcat I wanted installed so I think I'm good with the installation thing. :redfire:
Hi All,

ETO and RS have the AvHistory weapons already included and updated with new/updated textures and some fixes for issues the original files contained. If you add the original AvHistory stuff back over the top you will undo that work.

To Add AvHistroy planes you should be able to just drop the plane into the aircraft folder. just double check the engine sound is aliased correctly and that the aircraft didn't come with any specific weapons or pylons that also need to be added.

regards Rob.