The problem was that ATC vectored me in for a VFR approach to 18, but visibility was less than two miles - and I was WAY too high! I had to pitch over and practially dive in to hit the runway!:isadizzy:
MSFS ATC is moronic, unsafe and designed to give people a way to get to an airport in bad weather even if it sets you up for a crash. (OK, it's one of my pet peeves
) so the cure is to ignore what they give you, turn the radio off and fly your own (safe) choice of published approaches. In this case those choices are close to "none"... it's decision time!
A visual approach in less than 2 miles.. couldn't/shouldn't be offered without an instrument approach being specified as part of it and...
FAR 91.175(2) The flight visibility is not less than the visibility prescribed in the standard instrument approach being used;
VOR Rwy18 Approach minima for a Category "C" airplane is 760-2 on a straight-in approach so less-than 2 miles vis. would indicate a diversion to an alternate...
--unless you would accept an ILS 36/circle 18 for which the minima are 580-1 1/2. Tight for a large aircraft but certainly within the realm of possibility - just warn the pax that the wingtips are not going to hit the buildings!
Just remember that a circling approach requires the airport be kept in sight at all times. Loss of visual contact requires a missed approach.
ILS Rwy 27 - well, a 90* x-wind at 20 kts... that's probably right at the limit for a Starliner and might make a good You-Tube video
(Diversions are hard to swallow, but..
Valdosta Reg'l (KVLD) might have made a good alternate (VOR Rwy17 840-1). Charter buses would get the pax to KTLH in comfort
BTW, approach plates for most US airports can be found at:
Fly safe!