Special Weapons of the last days


Charter Member
Hi all Fighters,

here is a story of one of the last german pilots in the last month of war. He told me some years ago before he died, that on a hidden airfield in the South West of Munich there was a crew of experts they experimented on special weapons for Me 109. Two of them came from research in Peenemünde. They had a small worksshop and changed and improved bombs and put it together with small rocket engines and special fuel mixtures. They worked together with the young pilots. They called their weapons Feuerfaust, Feuersturm, Eisenlicht und Sturmblitz. You can still see some old bunkers there in the forest near Munich, where the hidden aircrafts started with this weapons in the last month of the war.

In merory of the old heroes from all sides I added the work of them to CFS3.
