Speedtree settings

gray eagle

I can see some tree movement and I am trying to find in P3d where one can change the wind speeds.
Which I guess if increased will make more trees move.
At first, I didn't see any tree movement but when I went in P3d I found a page where the wind speed could
be changed. Anyone here know how to get to that screen?

The speed trees are not the same as autogen trees. They have to be placed as models in the scenery, that is why you only will see them at airfields, and here only in specific locations near places where you move with your aircraft. This is done because of performance issues, I guess.
Many scenery devs, me included, don't use them because they are not backward compatible to FSX.

As far as I know wind speed does not affect them, they wiggle around, wind or not.

Ah Ha

I think I found what I was looking for:

The red circle: If I change the speed to Zero (0) the trees (speedtrees? ) will not move or animate, if I add wind speed, the trees shimmy according to the speed I dial in.