Spitfire gun sights


Charter Member 2012
Just wanted to say I love the new Spitifre cockpit included with the update of the ETO expansion. What parameters do I need to adjust to get the bullets to line up with the gun sight? They seem to fire sligtly above the dot. I was convinced there was a thread on here about something similar but I cant seem to find it. Cheers in advance for any help! :ernae:
Just wanted to say I love the new Spitifre cockpit included with the update of the ETO expansion. What parameters do I need to adjust to get the bullets to line up with the gun sight? They seem to fire sligtly above the dot. I was convinced there was a thread on here about something similar but I cant seem to find it. Cheers in advance for any help! :ernae:

You can click and drag the gunsight to adjust ...
dragging the reticle around works in the no vc view to be sure....for the full cockfit view I think Lewis dialled us in on tinkering w/ the "pitch" #'s on the gunstations lines in the planes xdp.........don't forget to back up first and delete the bdp
dragging the reticle around works in the no vc view to be sure....for the full cockfit view I think Lewis dialled us in on tinkering w/ the "pitch" #'s on the gunstations lines in the planes xdp.........don't forget to back up first and delete the bdp

GAW is right its the pitch number you adjust (in red), .5 is a good starting place, then adjust as necessary. This lets you adjust only for this aircraft.

<GunStation UpLimit="0" DownLimit="0" LeftLimit="0" RightLimit="0" RateLimit="0" SystemID="cannon" Tracer="40" Trainable="0" Trigger="0" Type="20mmMG151_gun" Name="Nose Cannon" ConvergeDistance="300" Pitch=".1489" MaxAmmo="150"/>