Spitfire IX/XVI plans/cross-sections needed!


Charter Member 2016
A friend of mine does GMAX models just for fun, so I'm pushing him into doing us a late-production Spit MkIX/MkXVI with the cut-down read deck - but we haven't got a good enough plan that includes cross sections of the rear fuselage. Can anybody help? If it works out, the result will be one more hole in our flight-line filled in...
You'll probably have to spend money to get 'em Nigel, although later model Seafires had the cut-down rear and I'm sure I've seen a Warpaint book on them. There is a book on the XVI which is supposed to be good, but it's nearly 90 quid!
Thanks - I don't think putting money into it is a going concern though... Meanwhile, he's done it by eye, and it's looking very nice! Wait and see how it goes - I don't know enough about how it works.

Having said that, if he provides the GMAX model, but then loses interest, would somebody agree to finish it off with LODs and parts names? I do know that's the shyte job, yes...
The million-dollar question: is there to be a VC? We don't have a cutback cockpit for a Spit so far which could be dropped into the new model.
The million-dollar question: is there to be a VC? We don't have a cutback cockpit for a Spit so far which could be dropped into the new model.

As you say... No idea. At worst, we could fiddle with the one Clive made.
With some creative thinking the AvH cockpit would do just fine, after all the only "wrong" part is the canopy rear frame.
If your mate wants the cockpit source files let me know Nigel. I have a 3ds convertion of the alpha mk IX too if it's of any use, and a Seafire 47 as well I think.
Clive - now you tell me! In any case, it's coming along nicely. He's basically finished the fuselage, wings and tail already. The cockpit could be very helpful...

Ted - thanks, I'll take a look. I'd forgotten about them!
With some creative thinking the AvH cockpit would do just fine, after all the only "wrong" part is the canopy rear frame.

That's one solution I'd thought of as well! We don't have to breach copyright by supplying the cockpit with the model - it can be easily copied in by the user.