Spitfire Mk. IA and Mk. IIA


Charter Member
Hi all

Does anyone know where I could find a Spitfire Mk.IA and Mk. IIA for CFS3? I had to delete the ETO Expansion pack to save space on my hard drive.

I know Patrick Didier did one some time ago, but I can't seem to download from Simviation for some peculiar reason. If anyone has any, please let me know!

While on the same topic, if anyone has any Hurricanes they'd like to share with me, please let me know as well!

On another note, I've started the Battle of Britain Missions. They're only in preliminary stages right now, but I can tell you this much, they're quite interesting to watch!

Also, if anyone has any information about the role the Blenheim, Beaufighter, Defiant, and Bomber Command played, that would be greatly appreciated!

I'll be posting some screenshots sometime in the next few days.

Thanks a lot!

In response to the question about Blenheim (I'm assuming you mean the fighter version), Beaufighter and Defiant.

Blenheim 1Fs were the first British "fighter" able to carry AI Mk IV radar and as such they carried out night intruder raids in the early war years. They also were used as night fighters and got their first kill in July 1940 and continued in that role throughout the Luftwaffe's night offensive of 1940-41. It should be noted that as they were a pre-war bomber design there performance was not ideally suited to the fighter role, but you've to make due with what you've got and it did Ok for a fill-in.

The Beaufighter didn't make its operational debut (again as a nightfighter) until mid September 1940 and got it's first kill in mid November 1940 (a Ju 88). Thereafter there numbers increased and they were invaluable in defeating the night blitz of 1940-41. and the rest is aviation history.

The Defiant was initially a day fighter and at first had some success in the fighting in France. When the Germans figured out that they weren't Hurricanes and could be attacked from the front with little threat of return fire the end of daylight operations came pretty soon there after though they were briefly used in the Battle of Britain. Night operations didn't start until 1941.

Though Fighter Command gets much of the justifiable credit for winning the Battle of Britain, Bomber Command may have provided the single act that lead to that victory. That act ... they bombed Berlin which enraged Hitler and lead the Luftwaffe to change it's tactics to one of bombing Fighter Command bases to one of bombing London thus taking some of the pressure off Fighter Command. Bomber Command also bombed the French ports where the Germans were gathering the barges they were going to use in the invasion.
Thanks a lot! I couldn't find much about Bomber Command during the Battle of Britain, but there will be a night fighting mission in my set that I'm doing
Hi Chris,

Have you tried the BoB install? It has a selection of Spits & Hurris you are free to use those as you wish.
There's a link to it at the bottom of this post.

This is site is probably the best BoB resource on the net which should answer your questions:


