Spitfire Mk`s VII and VIII 303`s


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Morning,i have never got the 303 browning to work on the SJ Spitfire Mk`s VII and VIII,could someone please assist?
Thanks in advance.
Can you explain in more detail? I will need specific symptoms of what is and is not happening to be able to help.

Hi geko,the cannon fire just fine but there are no tracer or muzzle flash and no sound from the 303`s,the necessary effects were placed in the effects file but not working.
Do your Spits 303s VIII VIII work ok?
They work fine for me, I made them.

It sounds like a lot of things are missing, or that you aren't pressing the right button to fire them. Are you sure you're pressing whatever button you've assigned to fire guns only or fire both guns and cannons? If you're only pressing the fire cannons only, only the 20mms will fire. I can't think of how you could have installed it at all and have absolutely nothing happening when you try to fire the 303s.
No problems with other SJ Spits

That`s right,i have installed all the other SJ`s and their guns work fine,the viii vii have that problem so i`ll go back and have another look.