Pat Pattle
As finished as it will ever be. Not brilliant I'll admit but better than some I've seen. It's pretty accurate though in terms of equipment for an early Mk1. The reticule floats on the gunsight glass and the landing gear visible indicator works.
Many thanks to Nachtpiloten for help with the gauge glass reflections, Steve O1 driver for the brilliant new gun effects (more on those later) and Rob Stevenson for xdp and fm tweaks ( it flies like a dream now) and exterior polishing. You are all my heroes.
There'll be 3 MkI versions in all I, 1a and 1b.
ps. thanks also to for permisions to use photos from their site for the textures.
a lot of these bits and pieces are the 'real' thing.
Many thanks to Nachtpiloten for help with the gauge glass reflections, Steve O1 driver for the brilliant new gun effects (more on those later) and Rob Stevenson for xdp and fm tweaks ( it flies like a dream now) and exterior polishing. You are all my heroes.

There'll be 3 MkI versions in all I, 1a and 1b.
ps. thanks also to for permisions to use photos from their site for the textures.
a lot of these bits and pieces are the 'real' thing.