Spitfire MkIXc_IXe released on Flightsim


Charter Member
FS2004/FSX Spitfire MkIXc_IXe
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Name: spitfires_mkix.zip
Size: 8,953,391 Date: 10-28-2014 Downloads: 359


FS2004/FSX Spitfire MkIXc_IXe. The Spitfire Mk IX was originally developed as a stopgap measure in response to the appearance of the Focke-Wulf FW 190A. In July 1942 an early Mk IX was flown against a captured Fw 190A, and the two aircraft were discovered to have very similar capabilities. The RAF had its answer to the Fw 190 problem. You get two variants with working VC; ZD-B is still flying today at many airshows and JE-J was flown by Johny Johnson, the most successful British WW2 ace. Tested in FS2004/FSX/FSX Acceleration, windows 7/8. Gmax model by A.F. Scrub.

On my system .. I had to modify the contact point for the tail wheel for showing correctly (tire was sink in the ground)


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Special thanks to :
-GMAX for the drawing program and Microsoft for their makmdls.mdk.
-Paul Rebuffat for most of the textures.
Scrub's Spitfire Mks IXc and IXe

Without wanting to be put in the 'rivet-counter' box and being grateful for any offering that is free, I still feel that I should comment on the fact that both the 'c' and 'e' models of this a/c appear to be identical - both appear to be of the 'e' model wing, albeit with the outer wing 0.303 in MGs still installed.

While the 'c' wing enabled a 'mix and match' capability for armourers, who could fit a number of combinations to an a/c, with a max of 4 x 20mm Hispano cannons and 4 x 0.303 in Browning MGs. The standard fit for each wing normally being 1 x 20mm mounted on the inner of the twin cannon mountings, the outer cannon mounting having a covering stub, and the 2 x 0.303 MGs on the further out MG mountings .

A loss in accuracy (caused by slight wing flex/distortion under combat conditions) led to the development of the 'e' wing which removed the 0.303 Browning mounts from the outer ends of each wing and replaced the inner 20 mm cannon mount on each wing with a 0.5 in Browning MG mount.

Not being an expert in this area, but wanting to clear up my own knowledge of Spitfire wing fits I felt I had to raise this in order to gain further elucidation on what is considered a 'c' wing fit and an 'e' wing fit.

Any offers?
