has anyone here ever managed to get one of the two seat spitfire trix's from www.simviation.com/adoptfsc into CFS3,i am trying without success.any help would be greatly appreciated,thanks all.
You need to rearrange the model's hierarchy for a start - see the models in the SDK for how this should be arranged, the P47 is detailed enough for now, but other tricks can only be found in the Ju-88.
Some of the modelling is a bit rough and needs the edges rubbed down. Animations - not that CFS3 has many - are elementary: the undercarriage for example retracts, but the wheel suspension is not yet modelled.
Once the model is fully arranged, detailed and animated there are the LODs to do, although this model is very low-poly and wouldn't need a full set at LOD 90, 70, 50 etc. Then there's the damage model to build and it can be mapped and textured. Oh and don't forget weapons if the TR.9 ever had any!
Plenty to do, so here's the model's hierarchy as it stands at present to give you a reference.
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