Spitfires forever?? Why not..


Charter Member
Well I guess I have to say, until recently I didn't realize how highly regarded the
Spitfire was to the British..

I never considered This bird that Great personally..:icon_eek:
Too short of range for any practical work..:icon_lol: :icon_lol:

But as I have been seeing the past few years, the British have risen these to Godhood??

I am placing several more Spitfire missions into some packages I am setting up..
Just to honor the Love the British have for them..
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Need proper hobbit paint on one to improve Her..:applause:
Yea, off to hide, on goes the Ring!

Finishing some late war missions from Normandy A21 airbase for the Spitfire MkIX models..
giving the Luftwaffe reason to respect the Spit all over again Oh Yea!
You have to remember their pivotal role in BoB and the defense of the UK. They were never meant to be ground attack (like typhoon or tempest) or escort (mustang).
You have to see them flying Owen - and hear them! I didn't like the Mustang all that much until I had a really good look at one in January, up close: not one straight line on that fuselage, all beautiful curves! I like 'em both now, but the Spit is my first love. Heck, I like most WW2 warbirds... :medals:
I am aware the Love for these birds, but to me the Hurricane was the major player in the Battle of Britian?
Many more Hurricanes fighting then Spitfires..

I am grateful that the British had the Spitfire, My God..What might have happened without it..
That is something one would not want to think about..indeed..

I rarely use them, but after reflying the ETO Mk IXe, in the missions I may have to rethink all of this..
Still need a proper Hobbit paint on one..
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Hairy, I have seen several spits at airshows, and I am always pleased to hear them fire up those engines..
OH Yea!
I am a fan of the Mustang, because after all, she was the best and greatest allied prop fighter of the war..
I do like flying the Spit mk XIV's we have in our CFS3 and Expansions, like the speed of these..
As for appearence yea got to give the Spits a Thumbs up there..
But again I think P-47D-25's are beautiful too!!
Depends on what you mean by best...the Mustang ought to win the award for being the right plane for the right job, but it won its fame at a time when the odds had already shifted in the allies favor as opposed to other planes that performed well in tougher situations. All things being equal I'd take a Spit 14 or a Ta 152H over the P-51. Still a big Mustang fan, but I'm with Tom, I like 'em all!
I had a chat with someone who had paid for a flight in a two-seat Mustang in Florida. Something he said stuck: he was surprised how much effort he needed to manouevre a P-51 when the pilot let him take the controls. He said it was a two-handed business. Spitfires were, and are, famous for light controls: pilots often mention how little pressure is needed on the column for manouevring and love her for it. Add to that the thoroughbred behaviour and you're beginning to understand why she's still called the Lady. :salute:
I do have a favorite fighter from WW2..
It will surprise you
Not even Allied..and has two engines! Not a jet either..

As for the Mustang saying she was the right fighter at the right time works well..
I agree completely..

I shall admit because of the British ordering aircraft from the US we have the Mustang..
Got give them credit for having the foresight to realize what could be..
And setting a requirement and aircraft order that caused the Mustangs creation..

When I stand next to the aircraft from World war 2 at the US Air Force Museum here my town..
I am always in Love with everyone of them..From the humble Hurricane to the Me 262..
I guess the enjoyment and childish fantasy of these flying has never left me..
Heck I could jump in one and fly for hours still, and never leave the ground..
But again the way hobbits fly that is for the best..:icon_lol:
The Hurricane seems to have had a sort of workhorse image but the Spitfire was the glamour boy that captured the British imagination. I have always wondered if there was similar sort of thing going on with the Me 109 and Fw190 in the eyes of German aviation enthusiasts.
Love that museum! Spent many a Saturday wandering around there - don't you dare fly any of them! :icon_lol:

Interesting comment on 109s and 190s. It seems Hartman and many of the aces preferred the 109 even though by most accounts the 190 was more capable. I guess once you know an airplane as well as those guys did the 109, why change?
The 190 corners like a house-brick! Which I suppose is why some of the old hands didn't like it. Even the 109 does better than that... Admittedly, the 190 can roll very fast, but that isn't an attacking manoeuvre. Tight turns are, because they put you on your enemy's tail - which is what makes the Spit my candidate for best dogfighter. Mustang for best escort, Tempest for best interceptor, and Thunderbolt for best ground attack aircraft. Works for me...