Spot light effect


Retired SOH Admin
Toying around with Joe Binka's Cessna 195 and discovered that the things on the bottoms of the wings are landing lights (activated by the Concord Nose commands). I assigned some landing lights the location of the lights when they are down....but the light effect is far too small. Does anyone know of a BIG BIG light effect....forward facing like a landing light but SUPER SiZED to fit on the C195's lights?

Also discovered that the engine and cowling swing open to the left on the wing fold command.

Really should spend more time reading the directions that come with these planes.

The only utility I know of that would assign lights is A2A simulations' 3D Lights. There may be a freeware utility but I don't remember its name.
I have the Shockwave 3D big spot light effect there. I was hoping someone would know of such a light effect floating around with a freeware aircraft.
