SPQR33--TKS new eto missions ......wow

Hi Guys,

Excellent missions definately worth grabbing. :ernae:

one thing though, in the readme files its says that you may need to take the P51d from your stock CFS3 install and place it in your ETO 1.2 install, should your ETO 1.2 install not have it.

ETO 1.2 has all the stock aircraft included, if your install is missing the P51 then your install is corrupted somehow.
copying across any of the stock aircraft into your ETO 1.2 install will remove the custom skins, sounds etc that we placed into the stock aircraft for ETO.

again these are great missions, and I'm looking forward to more.

regards Rob.
Wassat? New missions?? I've been so buried in the terrain and scenery budget tweaking....I forgot to be on the alert for new stuff...... To the Bat Cave Robin, There's no time to lose!!!......:pop4:
OK....I found them......and they laid down a whooping on my poor little gaming rig. I spent the last three weeks dialing the visuals in the game up to a much higher and more detailed level......and along comes SPQR33 and ups the in game detail even more.....flying the coventry blitz I start on the runway looking pretty and turning about 40 fps.....by the time I am over the combat zone.....in the middle of the night.....with hundreds of aircraft spawning around me....smoke fire and brimstone erupting everywhere.....I am down to 6 fps (yes thats a SINGLE DIGIT NUMBER 6).....whew, AWESOME mission sir, but I had to throttle back my settings to fly it for sure.....small price to pay for the excitment your missions bring to the sim.

Keep up the great work,

Thanks a bunch

OK....I found them......and they laid down a whooping on my poor little gaming rig. I spent the last three weeks dialing the visuals in the game up to a much higher and more detailed level......and along comes SPQR33 and ups the in game detail even more.....flying the coventry blitz I start on the runway looking pretty and turning about 40 fps.....by the time I am over the combat zone.....in the middle of the night.....with hundreds of aircraft spawning around me....smoke fire and brimstone erupting everywhere.....I am down to 6 fps (yes thats a SINGLE DIGIT NUMBER 6).....whew, AWESOME mission sir, but I had to throttle back my settings to fly it for sure.....small price to pay for the excitment your missions bring to the sim.

Keep up the great work,

Thanks a bunch



Sir, I know what you mean.
Just for curiosity, give a try to my Dresden_E5h bombing mission released about a month ago, to see if you get better fps rates in your pc.
If the download problem it is not yet fixed just pm me and I'll send it to you.


Nonato, I'm not much of a bomber jockey, but I will certainly have a look at that Dresden mission of yours. I just had to ease up on scenery and terrain texture budgets, and back off some of the increases I made in the config utility texture info and limits pages to make SPQR33's missions flyable......I have the visuals in the game dialed up much higher than normal, even for ETO, since I have a graphics card and CPU that can handle the load. But, when you are dialed in to average....above average can almost wipe you out completely.....and then there is the old saying "just when I figured out all of life's answers............they changed the questions....." LOL. With the exception of one SPQR33's work....I average 40 to 80 fps pretty standard (I keep my fps limited to 85) and have gorgeous scenery and graphics as far as my eyes can see....I'll go grab your mission and see how I fare with that......:ernae::running: