Spreading the gospel of CFS3


Charter Member
As i have other sims such as FS-WWI,Lock-on/Flaming Cliffs,Il-2 1946-(highly modded) and others ,so i am a member of a lot of other combat flight sim sites. Every chance i get i share the good news of CFS3 on these sites. There are a large amount of people out there that if they read anything about CFS3 it was bad. CFS3 , with all that has been done and continuing ,it's a amazing simulator with a lot to offer and with more to come. CFS3 and Il-2 '46 have been around quite a while but still can't be beat ,(for WWII),by anything out now except for some graphics/effects improvements . Thanks to all involved for all that's been done with CFS3 . Remember ,when you're on these "other" websites,to always give a good word for CFS3 and all the different versions. Be cool about it and we might win over some new converts. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to this.Most sim players just don't know anything about this wonderful sim. It's our job to spread the "good news" !!
Bravo Sixstrings,
I realize that CFS3 is very complex, and difficult to master when working with it, perhaps that played a part in the Bad press.
But also I know that when it was first released many were not able to dance with it because of how complex it is.
Does take some skill and understanding that CFS and CFS2 didn't require.
Perhaps because it isn't a "game" but more a true simulator that put many off too.

And with the advances made by the Masters, CFS3 and the expansions have come a long way.
Thanks to a dedicated and talented and skilled group we have a wonderful Combat Flight sim to dance with.
We all are indebted to the many men who over the years have blessed us all with their efforts.
More rejoicing!
and wrecking of aircraft too.
Hobbit on the loose.