Springfield, thanks Mick.

huub vink

Staff member
Perhaps not everybady has noticed yet, but Mick has quite recently uploaded a brand new version of Springfield, home of the GeeGees.


The plane is Wozza's"GeeBee Z named city of Springfield. The paintwork is from Gary Smith. Mick is responsible for the scenery and has done quite some GeeBees as well. But because of the name of this aircraft I thought this one was more appropriate

Thanks for the kind words Huub.

Yep, that's Wozza's Gee Bee Model Z. It's one of the two Gee Bees that David and I didn't make, because Wozza had already done it better than we could. (The other is Tom Eads' Gee Bee R6H QED.)

We updated Springfield because I scored a copy of Henry Haffke's book on the Gee Bees from a rare book dealer, and it contains a couple photos we hadn't found when we first modeled Springfield. They prompted a couple of corrections, mainly on the other side of the airport from the Granville building. Naturally, the parts we got wrong were on the one building that survived long enough for me to see it regularly for almost twenty years. In fact, my first girlfriend's father owned it! Of course it was features that I was certain I recalled correctly that turned out to be wrong. Ain't that always the way...?

Another change is that there are some lights turned on at night, so the airport doesn't look so deserted after dark. I wanted to make it look inhabited at night because a couple of the Granville Brothers actually lived at the airport for a while, until they got married and moved to houses in town.

The new release includes a couple of traffic files. One populates the airport with a selection of Gee Bee planes; to work it requires that you have our Gee Bee aircraft releases. We selected planes that were based at Springfield for a while, company planes or Granville personal planes, so these are planes that really were based at Springfield for a period of time. (But I can't vouch that they were all there at the same time.)

The other traffic file uses our Gee Bee Model C8 airliner to simulate the operation of New England & Western Air Transportation, an airline that was based at Springfield. NE&WAT was owned and operated by the Tait brothers, who owned the airport and who were the primary stockholders in the Granville company, and who were the movers and shakers behind the Springfield Air Racing Association. NE&WAT actually went out of business around the time the Granvilles arrived in Springfield, and the C8 never went into production, so there's a lot of make-believe involved here. That's why we made it a separate file, so those not inclined to fantasy can omit it.