All the aircraft in ETO using the "avhistory_gb_gun_hispano_mk2" have the square tracers.
The aircraft with "20mmMkIIHispano_gun" are ok.
The only effects I've change recently were for the wing tip vapor trails. Could this be the problem?
Here is what i did:RENAME to in the effects/Fxtetextures folder Keep also.
Then add this into the [HighAltSprite] section of the shaders30/texturemagic.ini: 2500|-1500
Then replace this into the effects.xml file:
<fx_N_gtrail ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="N_track_contrail_s"/>
<N_track_contrail_s ClassName="TrackEffect" FlatTrack="0" Lifetime="0" InitialDelay="0" ParticleLifetime="0.15" FadeInTime="0.02" FadeOutTime="0.12" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" CountSegments="5"
SegmentLength="2" Width="0.25" WidthGrow="1.2" InitialAlpha="0.00" InitialColor="250 250 255" Alpha="0.55" Color="250 250 255" FinalAlpha="0.00" FinalColor="250 250 255" BlendMode="QuadSprite"
Texture="" ZBias=".03"/>
I found some old threads about square cannon tracers but all that did was confuse me.
Any advise would be appreciated.
The aircraft with "20mmMkIIHispano_gun" are ok.
The only effects I've change recently were for the wing tip vapor trails. Could this be the problem?
Here is what i did:RENAME to in the effects/Fxtetextures folder Keep also.
Then add this into the [HighAltSprite] section of the shaders30/texturemagic.ini: 2500|-1500
Then replace this into the effects.xml file:
<fx_N_gtrail ClassName="GroupEffect" Effect0="N_track_contrail_s"/>
<N_track_contrail_s ClassName="TrackEffect" FlatTrack="0" Lifetime="0" InitialDelay="0" ParticleLifetime="0.15" FadeInTime="0.02" FadeOutTime="0.12" PosX="0" PosY="0" PosZ="0" CountSegments="5"
SegmentLength="2" Width="0.25" WidthGrow="1.2" InitialAlpha="0.00" InitialColor="250 250 255" Alpha="0.55" Color="250 250 255" FinalAlpha="0.00" FinalColor="250 250 255" BlendMode="QuadSprite"
Texture="" ZBias=".03"/>
I found some old threads about square cannon tracers but all that did was confuse me.
Any advise would be appreciated.